
Sunday 19 October 2014

Mandala Artist - Lotus Feet

I keep being giving 'mandala artist, mandala artist'. I am to concentrate on the art for now. While bathing today, I saw a large amount of yellow energy and yellow is also to do with the creativity. It would be a great new color for the lounge. I used to have a kitchen painted in sunshine yellow.

After I saw the yellow energy, the holy mother mary appeared before me on my left, she looked beautiful dressed in yellow and pale blue. Its such a long time since I've seen her, and so lovely to see her again. She was just letting me know, that she is present with me, by appearing before me, while I was having a relaxing bath.

After that I saw green energy, turquoise, the yellow again, and the energy was moving beautifully in front of my third eye.

The Lotus bud that blossomed with potentiality, helping others to reach theirs. The outpouring of love from the heart, and there is nothing to compare with its wisdom. Wisdom a tree of life and all her paths are peace.

I gifted the mother mary painting to another clairvoyant in the UK, with a healing painting. I also sent him the meditation of the heart. I never heard from him again after that. I hope that he is still healing joyously.

Its time for mashiach to just be with the fruit and the flowers, the colors are gloryful. Happiness in the resplendent peace, of the actualization of the truth of the being. The sacred Lotus that unfolded on every level of beauty, it is not beauty as humanity often views it. It is divine beauty, that few can see and hear in the reality of their lives. Like when you see mother mary for the first time, it is a divine experience that changes your life forever.

Jesus calls divine beauty, gorgeous. Its the divine gorgeousness that he loves, the sanctity, and the purity of the integrity of heart, that honors everything that is divine. That is Lotus Feet, the bride that walked upon the rose petals on her wedding day, and wore flowers on her crown. The wondrous woman from heaven that has the moon under her feet.

Once divine experience has changed you, you cannot close the door upon it, or the mystic that you have become.  Due to door after door opening up before you. It is such a blessed experience, that followed the transformation of the self.

Love beyond measure

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