
Sunday 5 October 2014

M7 Solar Flare - Iceland

M7 Solar Flare October 3, 2014. The video includes pictures of the volcanic eruptions in Iceland. Its important to keep an eye on Iceland, due to the 'Ice Caps 22' prophecy. October 3rd, is the 'Day of the Trendsetter'.

7 Being the numeric and life number of the spiritual teacher. The power of seven, the charioteers, and 2014 is a seven year. Hence, the impact of the spiritual teachers, is certainly being felt on the planet.

The rising of the incoming total lunar eclipse energies. Black Buddhists - Lilly of the Nile. The flora. 

Last night I shared an article from the British press, the charities that stand against the corporations, are making the politicians 'nervous'. In fact, one could say, that the politicians are having a 'panic attack', due to the numbers arising.

As the LORD said, 'Its all about the numbers'. Its decades ago now, when author, James Redfield first wrote about the 'Critical Mass Awakening'.

The boss is asking, 'What's for dinner'. He's calling my attention to food.

Checked farming news and a farmer has written about his luck for Farmers Weekly. It seems that he is experiencing 'Milk Fever' on his dairy farm in Yorkshire, and it always comes in three's. Its not only the charities that stand against the corporations, the farmers are making sure their voices are heard. Go for it Yorkshire.

Food prices and measuring inflation in North America.

I agree with what has been written on that blog about food prices. I have noticed that bottles and packets are getting smaller, less content, same price. Have you noticed what is happening in the supermarkets. Smaller packets and bottles take up less space don't they, same price for the corporations, as they buy their corporate planes with the profits. Tesco is in hot water in the UK. Does it remind you of Luke Chapter 16.

As Elijah said, make sure you have plenty of flour and oil.

Sara is linking in with me now, she understands what is happening locally.  The long time girlfriend of Travis. I wonder what happened to that large crystal I gave her, I gave it to her when she was in hospital. As she kept asking for yours truly, I was bereaved at the time, due to the passing of the Son of Joseph, I am sorry, that at that time, I couldn't give her what she required.

I wonder if her children have that crystal. She is showing me that her children are coming.

Both Travis and Sara both passed over with 'cancer', and Sara was pregnant at the time. I was told that Travis wouldn't accept healing, due to it meaning to him, that he had given up on orthodox medicine.

Why can't people have both, help from orthodox medical, and holistic teams. Why can't the teams work together, why can't people pull together, for the best health of the patient. Why won't the people let the caressers do what they were born to do, save lives with the power of love.  Wisdom is a tree of life, all her paths are peace. Proverbs 3.

Check out what is happening with the 'Health Escalator' folks!

Sometimes the righteous have to let go of those that are not. Sometimes, you simply have to move on due to the life choices that people have made. Life continues righteously, for those that comprehend the spiritual law of the cosmos.

Kumi Ori

Mashiach Kum exists, the TAO peach that Jesus called Lotus Feet.

Blessings in abundance and the power of love beyond measure.

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