
Tuesday 7 October 2014

FT FLAME + Lotus Feet

Remember the vision of the 'FT Flame + Lotus Feet'.

Geoffrey Hosking as written a book called, 'TRUST' it has been reviewed as 'a compelling argument on the role of trust in modern living'.  Did you give them too much credit.

There are loads of new items on trust, including this article from the FT, providing a review of the book. You know, you can know someone for nearly 30 years, then find out exactly what their level of trust is of you. As the LORD said, 'Politics is the bane of your life'. 

Over the years, I discovered that people that were not willing to do the in-depth self-development work, is due to their level of trust. In the review of the book, it mentions that the word 'credit', is derived from the Latin word for trust, so what was your level of trust, and did it have a foundation of the power of love.

As far as the book on Trust' is concerned, the level of a persons trust, clearly, relates to the financial aspects of their lives, and that which makes them feel secure and safe. Strip all that away from them, then who and what are they, as people. Most people are not willing to find out, who they really are.

Do they feel safe and secure then. Are they comfortable with the uncomfortable, once their comfort zones have been stripped back. How much courage did they have, how brave were they.

Were people astonished at what wisdom did to help others; to have the best return on the investment in their lives. Were they astonished when wisdom enabled them to live their dreams. Were they astonished at the level of freedom that was attained, when she showed the people how to take their power back.

Energizing people to innovate change.

At the end of the day, money is just an energy, and its what you do with that energy that really counts. That's how Jesus decided who was worthy, and who was not. Jesus knew that the wealthy allowed money to become an obstacle, to their healing, growth and self-development, when it doesn't have to be that way. Hence, the overcomer knew how to be victorious, and now its time for 'Feet over head'.

That is why he explored the hearts of the wealthy, to see how compassionate and merciful they were. He was quite happy for them to keep what they'd earned. As long as the worthy, helped his worthy healers of consciousness; to help the poor freely. Hence, the saying, 'the least amongst them'.

Jesus did not ask the bankers for a loan for a business, Jesus did not borrow more than his assets allowed. In fact, Jesus had no earthly assets, the only asset he had, was himself and those that trained with him. That is a reason, some people stand against his true followers, that is why some people stand against spiritual people. 2 Corinthians 6, ring a bell. 2+6 = its the 8th tomorrow and the agape total lunar eclipse.

As Jesus said, 'Your love was so magnanimous, they were afraid of it'.

So can they heal it, in the power of love. The last time I saw an Egyptian friend, he said, 'I didn't know you were spiritual', I responded, 'We never discussed it did we, in those days, we were busy having a party'. Then my Muslim friend shared with me, how he and his wife, spend 1000 pounds a night, on champagne. Truly, we don't live in the same world.

The fact of the matter was, that in those days, yours truly could party, and still live in a compassionate, merciful and charitable way. Wisdom made fundraising a party for all to enjoy, and for all to give freely and willingly.

This evening, I had water up the nose again, and I could smell a swimming pool, and its chlorine. That usually means that another plane, is going to go down.

How's the American patented 'ebola' going folks, I read its coming to the UK. Do let this temple know when the biblical plagues are over, I am seriously, looking forward to it.

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