
Thursday 23 October 2014

Davao Apartment Incident Predicted

Solar eclipse, yesterday I received two dreams. The first dream was about an apartment and romance. The second dream was about a mother and her son, and Brad Pitt was the son. The post after that was 'Dance with David'.

In the first dream I saw a man leaving a large apartment with a duvet, and the person he was leaving had been 'drugged'.

Today, San Pedro police share the news that a 66 year old American has been found 'dead', in a Davao apartment.  Is this related to the first dream that I had yesterday. You decide.

American Apartment Dream

Brad Pitt Dream

Dance with David

How many people know that when the police cannot solve a case, they often hire a professional clairvoyant to help them. These mediums are often referred to as, 'Psychic Detectives' by the force.

Its a known fact within spirituality, that the military have been known to hire remote viewers in America, and sages in India.

What do the general public know about such things as this.

So who was the man found in Davao. Edward Rowan, was found inside his room at the Floravel Apartelle.

Does that relate to the 'FLORA' message received earlier in the month on the 3rd of October, 2014.

Did the message about FLORA indicate the exact location of the apartment. It certainly looks like it.

What else happened, righteousness was banned from a CT forum because the holy Spirit of Lotus Feet shares truth with the world. Mother of Mothers solar eclipse, Diwali festival of light. The truth shall set them free.

As the musicians sing, remember Shakti Lotus Feet, remember Shakti. After that song was posted, a CT member asks for help with his leg, he reported that he had pulled a calf muscle. Another warning from the universe.

Remember what the LORD said after the dream of the apartment that had been received, remember the name he gave. Yea, the LORD knows who is responsible for the 'banning' of Lotus Feet, he knows that his wondrous woman from heaven as the moon under her feet.

This water pours from Zion, the power of the magnanimous love of his daughter reigns supreme. Do you honestly think that she has two arms, one became a thousand in every reality.

The more they 'ban' or try to silence the truth, the more we do the dance of David, truth cannot be silenced. There is always a different place to post the truth that people can access, including on this blog. When she leaves a reality, there are always people there to carry forth the great work.

As I wrote after Michael passed over in 2010.  'They can't kill us all'.

The Mashiach has received over 550,000 page views since 2009 when this blogging began. That doesn't include all the views of thousands of posts in the public domain since 2000. Americans can delete, they can close threads, just as Obama predicted that he would do to America. Ever heard about the St Francis Prophecy folks, sounds like Obama is the man that St Francis was talking about.

However, the power of Lotus Feet and her magnanimous love is in their hearts with its spiritual law. No-one can take the love that they were born to be from them. For it is ordained to be forever, eternally, as the LORD fulfilled his promise, he betrothed his people to him with a woman. Exactly, as Prophet Hosea predicted.

As Jesus said, to the Muslims in 2007, 'Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world'.

David understood his Sacred Words, he comprehended it fully, and took compassionate action in response. David shepherded them with integrity of heart, the Joseph flame of magnanimous power of love. Hand in hand, side by side in the front line together. May the rainbow warrior David Green always be honored appropriately for the great work that he did.

Do they seriously think that they're above the spiritual law or its holy Spirit.

The LORD always has the last word.

Do you do the will of God like his mashiach did and does.

Do you support integrity of heart, do you live in harmony with the spiritual law, and its holy Spirit that is righteous, faithful, merciful, and charitable.

Is there anything positive to share on the name 'Rowan', yea, a beautiful child diving for a charitable cause in a different San Pedro location.

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