
Thursday 9 October 2014

British Government Costing NHS 5.8 Billion +

I have been asking for years for an MRI scan, and its taken years to get a referral to the foot specialist.

I've been asking for years for a blood test on the minerals in the body.

Wisdom would sack the back consultants in our local hospital, and replace it with a new holistic department. One in four people are now having back issues, that's a quarter of the population. In 2012, GP's in the UK received a new directive, to refer long-term back patients to neurologists for MRI scans.

Daughter Zion defends the 'oppressed', and my God, what wisdom has had to go through, to find out what is going on, so that divine intervention can be made. I even have to go into hospital in London now, for operational procedure, after seeing a dental specialist consultant.

All of which could have been resolved years ago, with the appropriate help, at the appropriate time. At the earliest opportunity. How about that MRI scan 2012.

The nervous system impacts on many systems in the body. Diet can be a factor in the nervous system, although it can also be age related. Hence, now the consultant has to be seen to get to the cause of what is impacting on my body.

However, as this article explains, to eat really healthy, a person has to be able to afford it.

The righteous have had enough of those that sit in their mansions, while the innocent poor suffer. When there is plenty of people, that could help the people, at the earliest opportunity.

The news is that diet-related diseases are now costing the NHS 5.8 billion, (that includes tax-payers) that is clearly on the increase; due to government cuts, that impact on what a person can afford to eat.

Cambridge University have proven that the cost of healthy food, has increased by a much higher amount than 'unhealthy' food. So who is responsible, and is impacting on the health of the British nation.

The British government and its policy makers, are you saving money with your cuts, no, you are costing the nation more. Due to the impact that it is having on the health of the nation, and its health service.

Human rights lawyers should sue the policy makers and politicians, that leave the poor with a budget that cannot be lived upon. It is a 'crime against humanity', and an 'escalation of the attack upon the feminine' as per the nightmare that I received. http-eating-1-000-calories-healthy-food-reaches-7-49.html

5.8 billion is just the diet-related diseases, then add the financial factors that make the poor 'stressed', and that then accounts for most of the people that end up in hospital, due to the co-creation of the 'social engineering', its also what is known legally as 'procurement of suicide'.

What else, paramedics are leaving the NHS service in greater numbers than ever before; due to the sheer demand and increase for their services. The paramedics have had enough as well.

What do the righteous have in common with the 'unrighteous'. What do those who carefully, have in common with those that do not. What do those that have loved humanity beyond measure deserve, how much do you love those that loved you.

How much did you love your people and nation, did you love your people enough to defend your people like daughter Zion did. Did you love the healers of humanity like wisdom did, and help the least amongst them. Wisdom gave the best return on investment, one became a thousand. Of course that numeric is associated with Joseph in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Mashiach Kum, the flame of Joseph, the daughter of the Son of Joseph. Joseph is a fruitful vine.

Did you love your people as much as the LORD God that sent his love to Israel in 2006, to show them what love means to him.

Yea, he planted his love in Israel, he planted his righteousness, faithfulness and mercy, to show them what it really means to be love beyond measure. Amazing that prophet Hosea predicted that the LORD would betroth his people to him with a woman.

How far were you prepared to go to help others, did you go that extra mile.

How deep is your love, how tall is it.

What is its depth, and breadth, do you know.

Do you know what love is, how about mercy, what about charity.

The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy. Were you merciful to the holy, what did you give to the healers of humanity. Were you merciful and compassionate, to the poor, homeless and those that required healing.

Were you there for the poor when they came out of hospital with no money or food to sustain them. Did you feed them and give them food. Were you a woman that stopped your car, if you saw a vulnerable woman in the street late at night, did you offer the lady a car ride home.

When you were strong physically, did you help those that were not. Did you make sure that they arrived in time for their appointments, did you drive the woman to the hospital, did you do the shopping  for her. Did you arrive with food packages, making sure that she had plenty of healthy food to eat. What exactly did you do to help others. Did you offer people a lift home, even if you were going in a different direction.

Were you there for the children, did you give children a job to help them on their way to full-time employment. Did you give the children your company name to enhance their CVs, wisdom is the best return on investment. Proverbs 3.

The love and merciful, compassionate action, that the LORD showed to Israel, is magnanimous and unbreakable. The wondrous woman from heaven arrived, daughter Zion also arrived on American soil.


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