
Tuesday 28 October 2014

20 Pound Note Dream

I went to bed to rest and was immediately taken into dreamtime.

I was a in pub called the Kings Head, and I saw a friend from the past. Her name begins with the letter A. She looked as lovely as ever with her long blonde hair. She is tall, and she was wearing a white fur coat. We gave each other a big hug, and she then put a twenty pound note into the palm of my right hand, and closed my hand around it.

She then said, 'Buy yourself something for Christmas'.

The twenty pound note was folded up into a little square.

I replied, 'I must come and see you'.

She responded, 'No'.

Then the dream ended.


Paint spread in 2012

In dream interpretation, if you are given money, it augurs well for everything that concerns you. Receiving money is also a good omen when it is given. It can also signify security through development of your own resources. In this dream, the financial resource was due to a long term friendship, and a lot had happened in the lives of the two different women.

She was wearing white fur, and white is symbolic of purity. Hence her giving was pure in its intention from the heart. She was now warm in her fur coat. If a person is wearing a fur coat in a dream, and it is in good condition, it signifies a change for the better.

A Square: Eventual success and security will be yours. A square in the palm can also signify the palm tree, that is also feminine in the bible. The palm of the hand connects to the heart, and much is written in the flesh of the hand.

A situation where an act of friendship is experienced, is a straight forward prediction of happy social times with good companions, and we were in the Kings Head.

The numeric of twenty is to do with judgement, and she placed the money in the palm of the right hand. She closed the right hand around the 20 pounds, and in my humble view, this signified that it was closure for her on a karmic level. Something that she felt that she had to do, to acknowledge the support and giving of the right hand.

In dream interpretation, the right hand predicts carefree joy. Hence she was asking her friend to spend the money on herself in a carefree and joyful way. It was also a reminder of carefree and joyful times spent together 20 years ago.

The Aquarian water bearer was delivered to my doorstep, and I was asked to take care of her, as a sister takes care of a sister. The overseer of souls.

In the dream she did not wish for me to go to her doorstep, as she had been brought to mine. She was happy to see me, and I was happy to see her. When I used to say, 'I love you', she would reply, 'I love you more'.

Caressing hands are a sign of sincere love, and a square note of 20, being aware of the number in the dream, indicates an increase in personal power and or prestige, that she was enjoying in her white fur coat. We also find the square note in the harmonics of music.

As a life compound number it indicates a call to action, planning and new projects. It can also indicate that an awakening has taken place that brings new purpose in life.

20 years, 1994-2014.

To dream of Christmas time, signifies happy family and social times ahead.


6th December 2014 

20 squared = 400 = TAV

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that the scientists have been looking at the importance of the clenched fist and how important it is as muscles impact on strength and will.
