
Monday 22 September 2014


Tiny arrives at the farm, wisdom asks her, 'Did you come for some love or wisdom. How are your friends doing'. Skippy shouts about the 'dilution' of the community, and then a seagull starts screeching outside my window.


The Seagull screeching indicates there is a storm brewing.

The seagulls come in land for food.

Seagulls are also effective messengers, if you listen to the birds.

The keynote of the gull is responsible behavior and communication.

The cycle is one year.

They're ecological birds, and earlier I was writing about the 'Ice Caps 22' prophecy and what happened prior to, during and after the interview was given. Basically, it looks like that those that know about the interview, have got one year to share it with humanity. 

Gulls are also to do with the stimulation of diet, food, and proper eating behavior. Hence, we can anticipate a storm to do with 'eating disorders' during the next year. Author Ted Andrews, 'Animal Speak' shares with us, that is also about life patterns and stimuli. It certainly is, especially from childhood. 

So they're screeching like the storm, instead of doing the inner work required to unlock themselves from life circumstances. As we know from the scientific work of biologist Dr Bruce Lipton, its about, nurture, nature and environment. 

Those of us that have done the inner work, required for the healing, are also aware of the impact of childhood experiences, on the weight of people. Not only in this lifetime, in previous lifetimes as well. 

In the cases that we looked at, it was largely related to the mother and daughter relationship, and that can also impact on the choice and leanings towards the 'same-sex' relationship.

Through the past life healing work, fascinating insights and information was also accessed, in connection with what I referred to as 'transgenerational'. 

A lot of people think it, and don't say it. The heart of intelligence knows it, that is why it must be expressed.

Just like the Tibetan child looking at the heart of humanity.

We also know scientifically, that what is spoken in a room with the pregnant mother, also impacts on the child in the womb. In and out of the womb, communication and behavior is impacting upon the child. In addition, to diet.

What did you eat before and during pregnancy, was it healthy for mother and baby. I remember when I was pregnant, I was compelled to eat lots of oranges, a clear sign that the baby was requiring more calcium, and so was I.

Due to the impact that baby was having on my teeth, due to his calcium requirements, a couple of teeth began to crumble in my mouth. The impact of pregnancy on the body of a woman, is much greater than is honored.

In addition, I couldn't touch or even smell spicy food. All my body was asking for while pregnant, was salads, fish and chicken. My diet was totally healthy.

I had always looked after my teeth, and the teeth of my son. However, when children get past their teenage years, there is nothing a single-parent mother can do, if her child, will not go to the dentist.

I must admit, I was fortunate when I was a child, to be volunteered for one of the most important child development studies ever carried out in the world.

A research department of Great Ormand Street hospital studied a group of us for 21 years, and I used to look forward to meeting Professor Tanner, once a year. I still have some photographs that were taken by the medical research team, that were situated on the edge of Coram Fields, above a nursery.

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