
Friday 19 September 2014


Yesterday, Jesus, the Lute of Lovingkindness spoke of 'Jitsu' and it can be viewed in how a person behaves, what action is taken, and how they make their moves. You can understand that it is about the science of the art, and also how that impacts on the physical being.

Martial artists are fully aware of how to utilize their energy to maximize results. They have mastered their own energy, and are empowered by it, to utilize their power correctly and wisely. They work with the seat of the power of their energy in the solar plexus.

The level of consciousness of 'I am power', 'I am powerful virtue.'  When people truly live in the true power of their potential physically, and in a practical way, they live in humility, of the knowing of how powerful they are, as co-creators with the energy.


Photographed, so divinely happy, with the mission of compassion and mercy for children.

Chinese Gardens, Sydney, Australia,

In Japanese arts, we have the hara, otherwise known as the divine shrine. The divine shrine goes right up to the breast plate. That includes the heart of 'I give', 'We give'.

When a singer, sings, the breathe comes from the solar plexus. It comes from the golden bowl that is mentioned in the bible. The breathe is also utilized in healing,  on Reiki training courses, in this context, you can see it mentioned in the bible. In addition, we have Proverbs 3, all of her paths are peace. She is a tree of life.

After the Rev 12 timeline began, I was divinely guided, that I would paint mandala in the future, and that it would be shared with Reiki Master teachers. It was while I was with a Reiki Master in 2012, that I began to paint for her to make her smile. I was also divinely asked, to learn how to play a mandolin.

A few years ago, I was given a vision, there was a golden door that was open, I had walked through it, there was a pink door that was open, I had walked through it. Then there was a beautiful tree of life in front of me. The doors had been opened, and in Jitsu it mentions the 'locks'.

It I think of the word 'locks', I think of the word 'canal', and sometimes people ask about 'tooth canal' work, and that is related to the nervous system of the body.

When I was young I lived close to the canals in London, and there was a great entertainment place there where the market is. Wonderful cafes, great people, there is the 'Round House', where many musicians and artists have performed.

If I remember correctly, Breakfast TV was also launched there and as we were told, 'Breakfast is on'.

I noticed that there is a new breakfast show, that has been launched in New York, and my Aspergers friend texted me, with 'enjoy the show'.

Hence, we can also view the Jitsu, in terms of communication, and how a person communicates. The scientific aspects of the power of the breath, that is utilized in speech.  The art of communication, and communication from the heart.

The fruit of the lips, you shall know them by their fruit. Always remember there are different trees, and some trees do not bear fruit. However, there is a prophecy about those that shall become known, as 'oaks of righteousness', the acorns of love that we gave, sprouted, and became strong.

In the 90's, I chose the least amongst the healers, and the least became a thousand. Really fantastic. Of course I trained with Peter, so I could comprehend the Japanese healing art. When I trained in it, I envisioned it was for my own self-development and growth.

The business woman that she once was, had no plans to become a Reiki teacher at that point. I took the journey very slowly, it was so empowering, so incredible, the power of love, I just loved every minute of it, and all the wonderful people that I met.

On the journey I met with two Reiki historians. Frank Arjava Petter, and Robert Jefford. Very different characters, and Robert Jefford is also involved in martial arts. I loved hearing his stories, and he shared with me, how the martial arts community internationally, stopped the governments taking control of it.

Hence, his experience, his history, inspired me to continue with the Spiritual Freedom campaign. The last time we had lunch, was before I was sent on the first mission to Israel.

On the 11th of September, 2014, I met one of the thousand healers that had been trained in Reiki with Peter.  Its always wonderful to meet one of the team of healers, that came from our spiritual community, we were truly blessed, to have such a wonderful and talented young man to walk the Reiki path with us. All her paths are peace. Proverbs 3. The founder of Reiki, Dr Usui, spoke of it as being the 'science of happiness'.

Some people who train in Reiki also go on to train in a martial art, and some martial artists, go on to train in Reiki, the two different disciplines are complimentary to each other, in the heart.

I often shared that Reiki 1-3 is the preparation, after a person has integrated RM level, and starts teaching it, that is when the journey with Reiki really begins on the pathway of enlightenment. However, some people don't go that far with it, for a number of different reasons.

Whatever your journey in life, live in the power of love, for it is the most healthy for you, and your children. Its important that the children have access to the keys for unlocking their potential, and we can help the children to access them, and their natural talents.

As I wrote today, do you know why she was taken away, during the Rev 12, and Micah 4 timelines. That is at least two prophecies about her being taken away. The woman in Rev 12, is the same woman mentioned in Micah 4, and the two timelines did overlap.

With Mars in my ascendent fire sign of Sagittarius, the archer and traveller, I comprehend the importance of the divine counsel in regard to 'Jitsu'. We also have some wonderful martial artists living in our location, and I first met some of them, when they were working close to a river. They were working as part-time bouncers in those days. I do wonder sometimes what they're up to. As those guys, were always up to something.

Now Jitsu is a really good way to view the post. We shall Jitsu the post and the ironing.

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