
Saturday 13 September 2014


On the 7th September there was a post in respect of 'Venus in Virgo', and I picked up the baton from Robert Wilkinson, and shared my heart about it. Thats what caring spiritual people do, we support each others good works like a relay team, so all that are involved, are honored.

I like teamwork, especially creative teamwork, some of the happiest days of my life on this planet. I can feel the sheer power of the love of Jesus with me now, so HOT!

That is what we are, Jesus and I, a team, we work together.

There has been a lot of what I would call romantic energy around me in the last week, and I often post love songs, to help raise the vibration of others, and to call people home to the power of love. To remember how loved you are, and to remind you, that love is a great gift to the world. Love is what you are at your purest essence of being, and I am an incurable romantic, no matter how tough life got.

Love and its romance never left my heart. It can manifest in many ways, my heart was compelled to pour it out upon the world. The sheer power of the love that I shared in the dance with the Son of God, as he swept me up in his arms, to become one with him. Once you have experienced it divinely, you can never forget how much you are truly loved by the divine.

Earlier in the week, I was given a divine message, 'He's bought the diamond'. I didn't post it at the time,  I allowed life to unfold before me. Then when I was on the bus going to the doctors, I heard a whisper in my right ear. 'You are gorgeous'. So I sat in the energy of gorgeous, for the rest of the bus journey, and it felt lovely to do so. As I sat in my fur coat, all warm and cozy.

The coat that I bought for the mission to Florence, and the Harmonic Concordance in November 2003. That was a time when spiritual people were celebrating the engagement with God around the world.

It was divine intervention, and a biblical prophecy fulfilled. The planets had manifested the Star of David, and the last time it happened was 3,500 years ago. The planetary researchers, wrote that it wouldn't happen again for another 3,500 years.

You know the will of the LORD and his Son, is gorgeous.

Then I discovered today, there is a TV production company in London called, Gorgeous TV, how amazing is that.

I used to work in London in TV production. Maybe it is time for yours truly to reconnect with the creatives in mutual reception. The creatives that truly love the flame of Joseph and this nation.

Maybe I am the gorgeous diamond of the LORD, that he gave as a jewel to the world, and, or to man, that can hold it in his hand, to light up the darkness. What if there is a man, that knows who he is, and that he really does deserve the power of her love.

Going on the first mission to Israel in 2006, that was truly the diamond time, that we shared together at the gathering. In London, where the cockneys, come from, they say 'you're a diamond'. How lovely is that!

How beautiful and unusual.

Its like an eternity ring.

I will never forget 9-11. Due to it being a friends birthday. This year I gave her a turquoise V, with a heart in it. It was just a small painting, with a lot of meaning. I shall also give her some pink salt, and give her a foot bath and foot massage.

Then if she allows me, I will cook a Malaysian dinner for her, and the children. That will be my healing gift to her this year, due to the power of the feet, and its relationship with the rest of the body.

The 'FT Flame'.

I've also booked in for some more reflexology, and I am really looking forward to that, I really like, having my feet massaged.

Do you.

You see there was nothing that anyone could do or say to change me, I had been shown the upright way, and I just kept on following it, to see where it led me. Now it led me to go full circle, to return to the creatives and film makers. The truth of the Christos teachings, must be shared with the world, for it is the truth that will set them free.

My life experience is the source of abundance, and it is the life experience, that enabled miracles to manifest. As Jesus said, This is intense'.

In my humble experience, creating miracles is intense.

I love you beyond measure.

Remember the saying, 'You are not your own, you were bought at a price'. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Now in Tibet they would say.

oṃ kṣitigarbha bodhisattva yaḥ

And in the garden in Taiwan.

No surprise then that prior to the second mission to Israel in 2007,

I was instructed to wear gold.

Then the miracle of the gift arrived.

The royal bride was gifted with the golden gown.

Exactly as biblical prophecy predicted.

Elijah and Jesus both spoke of the woman, flour and oil.

In Tibet they made gifts for children with flour when they were born.

Guardian of Children holds the wish-fulfilling jewel.

And I have mandala paintings to do for two more new born babies.

One in Japan, and one in England.

A little girl, and a little boy.

So much joy for everyone.

The 13th September, is the 'Day of Passionate Care'

I said to a friend on Thursday, 'I'm in no man's land'.

Remember Israel and Jordan.

During the times, when my son Jordan has been living with me,
he has always been very supportive of the divine missions.

He's also happy when I am painting.

Bless him.

May our peace be with you.


  1. Diamond is the name of a Greek cruise ship that sunk, the 'Sea Diamond'.

    News just in, a ferry has sunk in the Philippines. 2 Dead, 102 Rescued.

    Maharlika II


    • Mahárliká means freeman or nobleman. The same word in Sanskrit means small in size yet great in potentiality.
