
Monday 8 September 2014


Let's continue with the Venus in Virgo, love, heart, home, and mutual reception.

In recent days, I was posting about the American Garrett Hardin Society, 'Hemlock' and the depopulation plan for humanity. Why America won't help the poor, and how in 1992, there were over 10 million Americans involved in it, and they support suicide. The people involved in it, range from fashion designers to metal music bands.


Then there was the case of the American singer and actress, Simone Sherise Battle, one of the reports shared that police said that she was found hanging from a rod in her closet. 8 am in the morning.

Apparently, she was living in a guest house, that was close to a larger property. Hence, there was a gap between the properties. That then reminds me of the man that I saw in the gap in pitch black, posted on this blog prior to the happening in LA, California. When I saw him, she was saying sorry, and so was he.

That then reminded me of my dear friend David John Green, who they say was found hanging from an oak tree in his garden. Were members of the Garrett Hardin Society involved in that, how about Captain Chestnut.

It is also written that the fashion designer L.Wren,  had enough assets to pay off her debts and that includes $1M dollar ring from Mick Jagger. It is written that her family did not go to her home, after the passing or to the funeral. It is clear the reason why. At the time, I did say, that it won't be long before you see him photographed with a younger model. Indeed, I was correct.

While writing about the Simone case, I was given, 'Sanjay', and that takes us to the Indian legends of the battle between the clans.

Also India's eight year financial plan to invest in India, UK, and Australia, only.

So then today when I woke up my head felt like it was exploding.

Information overload. It feels like your head is so full, it will explode with the information contained in it. It does feel energetic, there were no noises, etc. Just a head full.

My food intake as been very low, due to a lack of food, in recent days. I can also feel a tightening in the abdomen and back. Did Simone Sherise Battle, have an exploding head, due to what stardom brought into her young life. Did you see how she changed physically from her auditions, and how much weight she shed. Did she shed that weight naturally.

As soon as I began to share what I have written with someone else on skype, the head began to clear.

However, I can feel it again, as I am writing this. My view and experience, is that a person can feel like their head is exploding, due to the person being at the end of their endurance.

The exploding head, can be a warning to have complete rest.

1. Information overload.

2. Information that relates to people being 'murdered', 'committing suicide', 'genocide' and or 'depopulation'.

3. Information that you are not happy about, especially relating to politics, family, friends or people that you care about. What is happening to our planet and its people, with financial, and religious institutions involved in the genocide. As the LORD said, 'Politics is the the bane of your life'.

4. Lack of food and its appropriate nutrients. True empaths and mystics, have no appetite, when there is talk of a 'war', or humanity are engaged in it. Hence, Jesus asked for Elijah's Fire.

Now I have shared all of that, my head has cleared even more, although I can still feel it in my back.

Did Simone have a back issue, I am very sleepy as I write this, like jet lag.

Is it a 'syndrome', no, its due to the environment, in which humanity are enduring in their life experience. Nature, nurture, and environment.

Sometimes, healers of consciousness are given particular experiences, to assist them to comprehend it, so that they can help others to do so.

Once you have expressed what is in that exploding head of yours, eat and rest, as much, as possible.

If you don't eat enough, you can begin to feel dizzy and pass out. That does remind me of the passing out dream.

Remember Elijah, always has plenty of flour and oil for emergencies. In my case, I have some palm oil,  and it is about saving the child. In the NT, Jesus spoke of the woman and 60 pounds of flour in relation to heaven, and 60 is a numeric of giving. What you give comes back to you, 30, 60, or 100 fold.

Do children have exploding heads, due to the social engineering implemented by academia, or is just people over 50 that can see the reality that humanity faces with the depopulation plan. Today, in the news, the headline in the UK, is that young people feel that they have nothing to live for.

So what did you give.

Did you give your financial support to the Angels Healing Trust mission of compassion to help depressed and suicidal children, or did you support depopulation, and the continuation of the social engineering. Did you give your practical support to the cause of daughter Zion, where were you.

Did you support the divine that gives life, or that which co-creates suicide and genocide. Man's world and its futility, Psalm 89, or the anointed.

Are you righteous yet, are you truly faithful, to that which is upright.

Isaiah 61

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