
Wednesday 17 September 2014


I had a dream today, of a friend that I haven't seen for years.

Ella, a neighbor, that I knew due to her involvement in antiques.  She was also a first class cook, a great designer, so talented. We were great friends, and she said to me, ' I know why our friendship works, you always give more than your 50%'.

She had two young boys and a live in partner, that was half her age. He was fantastic at supporting the boys and their mum. She certainly made a man of him, and I was blessed to always be there, for the two boys, if they ever required someone to listen, or some time away from the family home.

Two incredibly bright children, with so much love to give, just like their mother, the light of love shone from them. I was blessed, to give one the boys his first job, and he soared after that.

The dream was very short, from what I remember of it, and I was so pleased and happy to see Ella, she was with a couple of other women, and she had moved back to England. We swopped numbers, and we agreed to meet up. She looked as young as ever, absolutely stunning. Smiling and happy.

Then this evening, that got me pondering on the generational gap.

In dream interpretation, true friendship in a dream, is a straight forward prediction of happy social times with good companions. To dream of distant friends, is generally a forerunner of unexpected news.

Well I did receive some unexpected news today, and it was financial. Now it makes me wonder, whether it goes back to when we lived close together. There is only way to find out, send the information off.

When I began to type this post, I was also given the word 'Sue'. The name of another lady that I knew at that time, and we met again recently.  I shall spread the paint for Sue, and for Ella. This is a mandala that I did for a different lady with the name of Sue, a wonderful healer, and a really great friend. God bless them all.


The original was gifted in 2012.

Written in my book of life.
Paths of Peace and a tree of life.

The 16th September, is the 'Day of Spirited Energy'.

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