
Sunday 21 September 2014


Amazing how the prophecies mention the best return on investment,  is wisdom. 

I wonder if that was on the mind and hearts of clients, when I was appointed with their accounts, lives, and future. It has certainly been a journey, into so many different realities. From launching brands, to creating brand, and market leaders. What a great time we all had. 

Blessed are those who find wisdom,
those who gain understanding,
for she is more profitable than silver
and yields better returns than gold.

She is more precious than rubies;
nothing you desire can compare with her.

Long life is in her right hand;
in her left hand are riches and honor.
Her ways are pleasant ways,
and all her paths are peace.
She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her;
those who hold her fast will be blessed.

From Proverbs 3

From fundraising for charities, to helping people in the spiritual field, to assist individuals and companies, to become more professional. We certainly raised the bar wherever wisdom was sent, we danced on a few as well. The least of them, became a thousand, and a lot more, such a great blessing for the hearts of the nations that she touched.

'What's Upside Down About Therapy' was a great headline for an individual involved in Inversion Therapy. It was the perfect springboard for his career, and he deserved the creative push. It unlocked the media coverage, and he gained national television. The divine wind was definitely with wisdom, and those that she was blessed to work alongside, in the galilee of the gentiles. 

His work was new and interesting, it was easy to give his career the extra boost required. It brings joy to wisdoms heart, when you remember those that you have helped during your life.  You can look back and say, yea, that was awesome, a life worth living.

For sure those that found her were blessed, we even had some divine miracles. Divine missions to different countries, from human rights to social justice. The mercy and compassionate action of the bodhisattva.

I've often said, I have lived many different lifetimes in one. 

Many simply didn't believe, that she could achieve so much, in such, a little time.

Now the next phase and the new journey unfolds before me, while I continue to rest and recover, in the sanctity of my peace. I am enjoying the unlocking, and reviewing the source of my abundance. 

In sharing with others, a man in our community shared the work of this exceptional artist, that his British company has sponsored. Absolutely, stunning. Meet Michael and his creativity.

Why won't youtube let us upload this beautiful video.

I once represented a children's artist. A friend introduced me to her, and asked wisdom to help her.

A major commission was gained from Great Ormand Street Hospital, and I remember speaking to her about doing children's books. Later in life, I was blessed to receive the divine meditation of the heart, so we set off again with the holy stream, and launched two meditation CDs that was later followed, with a book of collected divine sayings. Sacred Words. Then the journey with the middle east began, followed by the journey to America.

In 2013, the LORD said, They must hear your voice', and so it came to be, that Americans were given the opportunity to listen to the voice of wisdom again. Various radio interviews have been given to America over recent years.

There was the case of the sound healer in 2013, and wisdom offered her life experience. It was clear to wisdom, that his potential for success had to be unlocked. It soon came to light, that he wasn't ready for the unlocking. Sometimes the teacher is sent, and the student isn't ready. That was the case for the sound healer, life is passing him by, yet, he was unwilling to accept an incredible opportunity. With the woman that had taken the least to become a 1,000+ in the healing community.

So it is, those that are ready for a lantern of light, accept it, to light up the way forward, in the correct direction. People often find themselves at a crossroads, that is often the time, when wisdom appears before them. 

Do you understand that she always gathers the intelligence, before she launches something or someone. 

Wisdom explores their hearts, their motivations, their intentions and experience. 

Whether it is an individual or a company, wisdom has the experience to always look deep within, and around, to unlock the potential that she has the ability, and talent to access.

Hence, unlocking potential is essential, and sometimes we have to unlock the creative potential of people, or even unlock their dreams, their visions, their hearts. 

The dog licked it, in the nothing, there is everything. 

When the clients of wisdom were successful, due to the wisdom showered upon them, they then thought they could do it without her. 

The same thing happened to wisdom in relationships, the love of wisdom is empowering. That is why it is written, that the one that gets wisdom loves life, the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper.

Now I have other projects to attend to, with the permission of Yah. 

Azariah, Yah helped.

There are the paintings, a major film project to share the truth with the world, Yah's vision for the musicians. I've been asked to do some more radio interviews, and have been asked to help the Buddhists.

May his will be done and the divine plan unfold. 

The unbreakable magnanimous love of wisdom. 

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