
Saturday 9 August 2014


Just as I was sending out this post by email, I was given the word, UNCLE.

I pondered upon the word, and how it is rare for uncles to take action to defend women and children. Even when children are covered in blood, like they are in Gaza and other nations.

Today I looked at the significance of uncle from a biblical perspective.

In the book of Leviticus it mentions an uncle in association with redemption.

'An uncle of a cousin or any blood relative in their clan may redeem them. Or if they prosper, they may redeem themselves' Lev 25:49

Hence, uncles are often chosen to be godfathers at the christening's of children. My godfather is also referred to as uncle, although he is the RAB's nephew. The Son of Joseph had many nieces and nephews and he loved them dearly, including their children. So in reality, uncle John is actually my cousin. Although due to the age difference, as I child, I called him uncle. The last time that I saw him or spoke to him, was at mum's funeral due to him living in London with his family.

The verse says if they prosper, they may redeem themselves, and there is another prophecy about prospering. So did the uncle redeem himself, does he require the closeness to wisdom to do so?


Or is just about the payment, as mentioned in Leviticus? The Israelites were redeemed from the captivity of Egypt and its enslavement, and in 2008, the LORD referred to Obama as the Pharaoh.

Micah 4 mentions daughter Zion and her mission to America. As we know, America is well known for its involvement in the history of slavery. Islam in Africa is also well known for it.

'The one that gets wisdom loves life, the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper'.

The redeemer comes from the same clan, a blood relative, and that can indicate DNA, and the land of Joseph.

No surprise then that the widows son was also redeemed by yours truly.

In the book of Ruth, a woman is the guardian-redeemer of our family. Ruth 3:9

'Although it is true that I am the guardian-redeemer of our family, there is another more closely related than I'. Ruth 3:12

If he is not willing to do his duty, then she says that she will do it. In Ruth chapter 4, he says, I cannot redeem it, because it might endanger my own estate. You redeem it yourself, I cannot do it'. Ruth 4:6

Is that a typical male response, thinking of himself? Is that love? Maybe its time that people found out what real love is.

In Isaiah 43, the Holy One of Israel brings down the ships, and it mentions America.

Yesterday Jesus also spoke of the power of love, near and far, and after my healing days began, I thought of the redemption in terms of love, and the redeeming of the light of the soul.

That was prior to being thrown into the biblical prophecies for divine purpose.

In the book of Kings, Elijah said, Shout louder, he said, 'Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened'.  1 Kings 18:27

Today in the public domain, Americans have been speaking about the poor in the USA.

This is the guardian-redeemer's response.

'The materialists create and support the social engineering that keeps the rich getting richer, and keeps the poor getting poorer. At the end of the day, the rich live off the backs of the poor. So increasing the welfare for the poor, puts the money back into the pockets of the rich, that keeps them getting richer.  Its basic economics, it doesn't take rocket science to come to that realization.

In the manner in which socialism was socially engineered, it benefits the rich that is why they socially engineered it. However, the socialism of Jesus is different and ultimately, it benefits the poor. That is why it is written that the true law of the prophets brings freedom to humanity.'

So what does Robert have to say about it?

Robert Wilkinson shares about the divine mother energies, and how on the 5th July 2014, humanity moved into a whole new spiritual era that will exist until 2107.

The article includes that the current energies of the divine mother are getting stronger.

However, it is a time of concern, and an emergency for humanity.

'Dr Jones says this degree is about regenerative relaxation after extraordinary effort'.

That sounds wonderful. Just what I require, a year like I spent in Australia, to re-energize.

The date of the 5th July, 2014, also aligns with the timeline of the Amsterdam 1000 days prophecy about it getting bigger.

Onwards and upwards.

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