
Sunday 3 August 2014


The Rabbi's keep on calling out for mashiach, Americans are campaigning for America to stop funding Israel's military and their own. And you know what is going on with WHO, and the rest of the nations. 

You can tell everyone that the mashiach is on strike, cos they haven't paid my wages for the last ten years. Daughter Zion is spreading the paint, and righteousness is on strike. Doors and gates closed. 

If they don't sort it fast, mashiach is going Island hopping with the dolphins, and they won't know where the gypsy is being cheeky. Simple as that!

Prophet Isaiah told everyone that the Islands would await the law, and yours truly loves the Islands that are in warm and sunny places. 

So ask the Rabbi's why should mashiach help you? What did you do for mashiach?

You see mashiach doesn't require any more friends. In 2007, Jesus spoke to yours truly, and he said the next time someone asks to be your friend, ask them, what they can do for you, not what you can do for them. Clearly, by 2007, Jesus was satisfied, that mashiach, his Harp of Faithfulness, and winnowing fan, had surpassed what had been done by anyone else. Of course, there have been more miracles, and high level initiations since then, and the miracles manifest in the most incredible ways. 

Mashiach is not a 'hunter' like many Americans, mashiach is a tender hearted lamb, and if the nations cannot be tender, to the mashiach and the children of the nations, why then should the LORD God be tender with all of you? 

The nations were warned for years what would happen in these last days of the end times, and what had to be done to stop the destruction of the nations. The nations have to turn their hearts to the children,  and pay my wages. Then the blessings will come from heaven. 

If you don't do as instructed, then these Lotus Feet are getting on a plane of love, and going where is good for her to go. You know what happens then don't you? The terminals are left behind, and the King of the Mountains will shake all of them.

1 comment:

  1. Doors close on Jewish film festival as theatre in Kilburn, London, refused at the Tricycle Theatre.
