
Saturday 2 August 2014


I began to paint mandala for a friend last night, and it began with a lacy pattern, and as I was painting, I didn't feel that the painting was specifically for the person, as my attention kept being focussed on the CT community, while I was painting.

However, I feel that the woman does have a connection with some of the people in the community, and it is past life. The lace could indicate that it is female connections, when they were lace makers together in past lives.

When I think of lace and sun, I immediately think of Spain, and I did feel that my friend would not be staying where she is, and that there is a move coming up for her, to somewhere warm and sunny.

Interesting that I was looking at a costing for hiring a villa in the Canaries the other day. To compare it with other locations. I do like the Canaries very much, the temperature is so even all year round. The natives in the Canaries are not Spanish as far as they are concerned. The natives in the Canaries speak of how their Islands were once part of the Mayan mainland, and they speak of Atlantis.

I was looking at the costing due to the importance of getting the truth to the world, and having a place away from the world, where the script could be written in seclusive peace, with a scriptwriter.

Six months to a year abroad, would do yours truly, the power of good.  There is a lovely Hindu family and community in the Canaries, and the last time I was there, I was blessed to be able to take away the high fever of a male child. He was literally boiling up, with a very high temperature. He will be all grown up now, bless him.

After I had spread the paint, I wrote that I had been tracking yesterday, I had made a major breakthrough, I felt like singing and dancing on the rooftops.

In this picture taken in the Canaries, I am indeed on a hotel rooftop, with the ocean behind us. There was a lovely room at the top, where I could teach, and heal those that commissioned, yours truly to fly out to the Canaries to work with the whole family.

It truly was a wonderful week, a lady from the Philippines contacted me, after she had received an email distribution from the USA, with an article that I had written.

It was due to that article that she got in contact. Her request, and question was about the possible solutions, what could be done. Whether I would be willing to meet with her, and the family there. Of course, it was an honor to do so.

The script is still in my focus, and where there is a divine will, there is always a way. So I have been looking at production budgets, and how much we would have to raise. To do what has to be done, to help humanity, to attain its freedom.

Prophet Isaiah did predict, that the Islands would await the law in this timeline. During my life, I've been to about four Islands in that region, even took mum on holiday there, two years prior to her passing.

A large pigeon, has just flown in outside my window, sitting on the wall, and looking at me, pigeon then turned towards the direction, and was pointing at the direction with its head, the direction that I have to go in. How sweet! As sweet as oranges. I have some photographs of me in the Spanish orange groves, I am sure the Spanish family wonder what happened to my son and I, after mum passed, and where we are.

May the LORD bless them, they really did love her.

Its time to get on the bus again, and go into town, as the pigeon was showing me.

Last but not least, I still wake up seeing the king of rainbows most mornings.

Do you shout it from the roof tops, like Jesus shared with his followers to do?

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, a friend of mine did a prayer for me last night, then this morning, I woke up with the dolphins in the canaries.
