
Friday 29 August 2014


When I saw this story about the dog on the front page of the BBC, it looked funny. I thought, haven't they got anything more important to write about. However,when I read the story and saw the name. I nearly fell off my chair laughing.


That then reminds us of the vision received in March, 2014.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Disclose Vision

This morning when I woke up, I was shown a vision of a write up on the internet. Some words were being shown to me in the lines that had been written.

One of the words was three letters, of a user name from an internet forum, Jif.

Now as the vision received in March was issuing a command to disclose.

I have shared this humorous post, that aligns with the vision in March, 2014.

JIFF, the fastest dog on two paws, as even made it into the Guinness Book of Records, 2015.

This video shares with you why he is well suited to Hollywood.

Some people get it, and some people don't. I wonder how much bigger the signs will get. Looks like he is being asked again to write the script with me for the movie of the true Christ teachings.

I had a feeling something would happen prior to, or on the 30th. Its 1335 days on Saturday.

The 29th August, is the 'Day of Structured Action'. I also received an email today, it was MMM's birthday. 30th August, is the 'Day of Rock'.

Big smiles!

The JIFF story that made British headlines appeared on Shabat. That is no coincidence. The BBC replaced the front page story with a news story about Diana, the baker, and she looked like Maggie. The story of the dog that is being featured in the media, and the Guinness World Book of Records in 2015, can still be accessed in the children's section. 

There was also a Diana in the same social network location where he and I were. In addition, in the film, when that song was sung by Diana Ross, she is the character Tracy, a fashion designer with ambitions,  and that is what took her to Rome. 

When MMM, (USA) first pursued the light of the righteousness of Lotus Feet in 2007, I suddenly received a 'threatening' email from a woman with the name of Tracy, (USA), and it was clear what her interest was. 

MMM was a very strong man, a soldier and a scholar, an anthropologist, he knew exactly, what he was doing, and the reason why. As I wrote recently online, 'It is not what you've got that matters, it is what you do with it that counts'.

The Diana Ross film features Chicago and Rome, it is about careers, intentions, romance, relationships, and sexuality. As the LORD said, TAP ON WOOD'.

There was also a dream of an ancient wooden door, the Jesus Christ Superstar dream, earlier in 2014, posted on this blog and in the public domain.

Diana also means heavenly, divine. What is also interesting is that I received a dream about Tracy in 2013. The dream was about two different women, and a meditator. Tracy was dressed in a very sexual way, her energy was manifesting sexually in public, in front of men and women at a party. 

The other woman was dressed in a very classy way, and her energy was manifesting respect for herself and others sensitivities.   The clash was between the two women, due to the way that they were dressed, and how that was emanating. How their energy for potential was being expressed, and what that energy was attracting. As the saying goes, 'Be careful what you wish for'. 

The insight from the dream was obvious to me at that point in time, and it is about potential of women. Do they choose respect for themselves and others, or do they choose to be just sexual beings, due to them still having to 'unlock' their true potential and soul purpose for being.

Some of us have the extensive life experience (from different careers) to help others to bring forth their natural talents, creative vision, career choices, and or spiritual potential, due to having done it already, my life!

In the film, Diana Ross being the character of 'Tracy', the difference in male sexuality was also included in it. In the Christ teachings Jesus did give counsel on sexuality, it is certainly an issue that has to be addressed in a powerful way.

The meditator was also in the 'Tracy' dream, and in the biblical teachings, the meditator is to do with the mysteries. I was that meditator between the two women in the Tracy dream, and a mystery did unfold in hindsight, of our different life experience. The source of my abundance in life, has been my life experience.

There was also another dream with a meditator in the dream, that dream also included three women and two puppies. In that dream, I was holding the adorable puppies, and the meditator was doing her utmost to be the peacemaker between the two women. 

Its no coincidence than, that this weekend there is news that UN peacekeepers have been taken 'hostage' on the Golan Heights. Peacekeepers from different nations. 

In addition, it has come to light that some women have been sending nude photographs of themselves, to men in the community and social networks. The digital age and its co-creation that impacts on all aspects of peoples lives..


What does that say about those women, and how they're accessing the results of their efforts in life in the nations. My 31 year old son, put the responsibility of the sexual state of the world, clearly in the lap of America, its film, TV, and media. 

Those born with Pluto in Scorpio, are certainly making their presence felt in response to sexuality on the planet. Another reason why it is manifesting through Islam and its young Muslims. 

You shall know them by their fruit. Was the source of their abundance, due to their life experience or how they displayed their physical bodies in a sexual way. Or did they manifest life conditions and circumstances, due to their integrity of the power of magnanimous love, and its trustful loyalty to the spiritual law of the cosmos. 

How about how good their business or creative talents were. Were they chosen for the job due to the acumen and talent, or how they look. Were they chosen for their integrity, and honor, or how much their families had. 

Was there a class distinction by name, as in India, or what University you went to. Obama went to Harvard didn't he, have you seen his thesis, how about Michelle's thesis.

Remember how Kate pursued William, his academic and sports interests. How did Kate appear on stage when William noticed her, next to nude in a fashion show, splashed all over the news media. Flesh colored wasn't it.  That did it Kate, is that what you will teach your children, and the children of this nation. Is that what Jesus would teach the children Kate, in these last days of the end times. 

Both the dream of Tracy', and the Diana Ross film was about the different ambitions of the men and women, and the clashes that can create in relationships.  The male ambition of the character in Chicago was political. Diana Ross also appeared at the Nobel Peace Prize giving to Obama, wearing a glamorous, sparkling pink gown in 2008. 

Do you remember what happened to CODE PINK when they went to Pakistan, they were lucky to get out of their alive. Liberals what can you do with them. 


Its interesting how these dreams are evolving, unfolding, and how they apply to current events.

May the will of the LORD be done.


It feels like there is a shift of power on the planet, in the power of love.

 This weekend shall be interesting. 

Jesus is hot with me as I was writing these lines, he is giving me confirmation, and as he said in 2011, 'We are moving into awesomeness'.

Magnanimous love is certainly awesome, in the same way that Jesus is.

The other word that I was given while writing is, 'Bubba' and it is the Yiddish word for grandmother'. It is written that a professor wrote that 'Bubba Psychology' is the study of what  Jewish grandmothers know without benefit of graduate training, and I was writing about Sophia the other day, and how she raised the bar in the family.

The Son of Joseph also had a Jewish grandmother, although she must've passed over prior to his arrival on the planet. 

The different paradigms, you certainly won't learn what I know in a university, and a professor of clinical psychology in the UK, wrote WOW in response to our sharing. 

That was while we were discussing my response to his paper for a peer reviewed journal. I never did get around to writing that paper for the journal. 

During my life some intellectuals did feel challenged by Kim, even when she wasn't challenging them. Some stepped back from her, some became silent, as prophecy predicted the Islands would do in this timeline. Some stayed very close to her, brothers and sisters in the light of the excellence of the Christos energy. 

The intelligent held Kim in high esteem, and the utmost mutual respect, was shared.

Some people simply didn't know what league she was in, due to her humility, when she arrived at the grassroots to help the poor, and Jesus spoke of how yours truly had surpassed everyone. 

The bar had been raised again.

The anthropologists, clinical psychology academics, scientists, and other intellectuals recognized the talent that was before them, male or female, some adored her, her capabilities and courage. 

Even her own family, and friends were she lived, did not know what Kim had been involved in, only Kim, and the divine, knew everything about her life, the divine interventions and missions.

Dressed in the sun of unbreakable love, their wives, girlfriends, and mothers, couldn't break the abundance of the power love, that exists for the wondrous woman from heaven, that did it all for the love that is beyond measure. All that love and potential that was unlocked to soar divinely. 

When wisdom connected with JIF, once more, hearts were blessed.

'The one that gets wisdom loves life, the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper'.

An amazing new journey began, the different realities, and planes of existence.

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