
Thursday 28 August 2014


Today, I have been reviewing a dream from April, 2014, as I can feel something good bubbling. The original post features a song in Hebrew, and the Israeli singers, sing my name in Hebrew.

The word means ARISE and in the dream, my name was said three times. It was in April, around that time, when she did arise and leave an internet location due to being banned there. However, the magnanimous love was unbreakable, and some people found her again in a different location. There were no plans to stay on the internet. However, when the call came from Mary, support was given, and a new mandala for the location.


Following the event that happened in January 2011, 2 Corinthians 6.  In two days it, will be 1335 days completed in my life. I once asked an Israeli what the meaning of the 1335 numeric is and she replied, 'Happiness'.

When I returned from Australia homeless with nothing, with my teenage son, people where I live, couldn't understand, why I was so happy. In fact, to some people I even became invisible. The sheer power of love. After a year living in the Australian sunshine, I was incredibly fit and healthy. It did the body and olive skin of Kim, the power of good.

The verse of the day is thus. "The word of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent' John 6:29

It was Archangel Michael that challenged, and inspired me to love more during the Rev 12 timeline.

It was Jesus that made sure, that this magnanimous divine love in manifestation, was unbreakable.

It was Jesus who chose to call Kim, Lotus Feet, the one that he sent as Lotus Feet, her true nature of enlightenment.

When I was in Australia,, and he sat and spoke to me, he never said that the journey would be easy.

However, he did say that I would have everything, and so it is we find the nothing and everything mentioned in the NT, in 2 Corinthians 6. It also mentions the salvation and the favor.

She hasn't been able to afford a kettle for the last four months, yet she has everything that magnanimous love requires, everything that is essential, for her being quiet, peaceful, and tranquil.

As I sit peacefully in my fur throw, I ponder upon the Tibetan nuns, and bodhisattvas, and appreciate how blessed, and fortunate that I am. To have a roof over my head, and a hot drink in my hand.

How blessed I am to truly know the magnanimous divine love of Jesus, and the sheer heat of it; that washes over me these days and nights,when he wishes to give confirmation about a person or a song.

How incredible it is, that we came through the 1335 days together. The source of my abundance, the source of my everything, was the sheer power of my life experiences.

In some spirituality today, and indeed in modern day Christianity, people often associate the word abundance with financial prosperity. How can an abundance of supreme human joy, that a new born baby brought into my life 31 years ago, equate to that.

How can giving life itself, equate in financial terms.  How can anyone put a price on miracles that are priceless. They knew that due to the integrity of the flame of Joseph, she was incorruptible. So they didn't even try that. Big smiles!. The only thing they could do to wisdom, was to impact on her physical being to weaken it. However, she already had everything that was essential, to see her through the 1335 days.

Archangel Michael, and Jesus had prepared her in advance, and divinely guided the journey. The unbreakable love of flying divinely. It didn't matter what anyone said or did, they simply could not take her away, from that which she knows to be holy. In trustful loyalty to lovingkindness, she got through it  all, one step at a time. Even the threshing, mentioned in Micah 4. That timeline overlapped with Rev 12. When Rev 12 was completed, our first blog arrived.

Our kingdom of love retreat, our peace, our knowing, our numerous and bountiful experiences, our hearts, our truth experienced. Extraordinary women, do extraordinary things. However, they can also do that which is simple, and easy, like typing, with amazing grace, even when under pressure.

She mourned for the nations, family, and her loved ones, she purified them with her tears. Loving beyond measure, selflessly, doing the will of the heavenly Father.

We are now encountering a new timeline of the green cross. What that manifests for humanity, and how it manifests remains to be seen. However, as I have said previously, while the sun continues to shine, while the rainbows continue to appear, there is always hope.

So keep your lanterns of light burning brightly, and know this, that when a person asks for the light, when they ask for some healing, you know that they're ready for it. As far as the rest is concerned, peanuts, and I make good sate sauce from it, for the chicken and fish, when I can afford some.

For what is true, that I love you.

The holy Spirit of divine love that was poured out like the floods, and nothing could stop the torrent of love sweeping across the planet. Little snow white, that they found sitting in a coal bunker in her light colored wool outfit, you might ask, what was Kim doing in a coal bunker. LOL!

She never was afraid of the dark, not even as a child. Plato understood it very well, the power of the Spirit. The spirit of the child clearly knew, that the coal was something that would keep her warm, so when Kim, was five years old, she simply sat in it, until they came to look for her. Big smiles, so many funny stories.

The 30th August is the 'Day of Rock'.

So let's have a rock party.

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