
Wednesday 27 August 2014


When  I woke up today, I was given a vision of two women, one of the women was in the West, and the other woman was in the East. The woman in the West looked like an American, and the woman in the East was oriental. They were facing each other.

It does make one wonder what would've happened to America, if an oriental woman hadn't taught 22 Reiki Master Teachers. The story goes that it is from there that it spread like wildfire in the power of love.

Where would America be, without all of the oriental healing arts and its teachers. Does America and Americans have any humility. One the Reiki principles is to honor your elders and teachers. How many students truly did and do that.

A lot of Reiki students don't even know what their lineage is. One of the discerning questions that I asked potential students to ask potential teachers, is to ask whether the teacher provides the lineage to the student. Its like exploring hearts, making sure that you know where that teacher is coming from prior to choosing a Reiki Master teacher.

Then I received this message, 'They are accessing the results'.

The last time that I remember the heavenly Father speaking about the access was in 2006, during a healing treatment with Israelis. At that time he said to the male healer and massage therapist, Gabriel.

'The root is the access'.

Also when I was coming back into full awake consciousness today, I could feel fire in my feet.



There has been good news from an American man known as 'IAM',
he reports that the 'Operation Asperger's Children is a success'.
That is really fantastic news.
His heart was turned to the children.
Happiness is the result.

The power of mandala and its power of love.
He shares with us, that there will be more news soon.

The source of the abundance in my life, came from my experience.

2 Corinthians 6

1 comment:


    Good news just seen that Gym is on a news show. God bless him.
