
Monday 14 July 2014


Still knocking on my door? 

I hear you knocking. 

The response from the divine court, the Church shall not come in. 

Ever read the parable of the virgins?

'Once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, 
you will stand outside knocking and pleading, ‘Sir, open the door for us.’ 
“But he will answer, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from.’ Luke 13:25 

In the Saxon dream, he wasn't even given an answer when he knocked.

So who was the owner of the house that got up?

Proverbs 31 tells you who. 

The woman of noble character. 

January 2014, Keeper of the Gates

Remember the 'Get up, get it' dream in April 2014, 
she was asked to get up again at the gate. 

July 2014, Gatekeepers Shut Doors and Gates

The LORD takes no pleasure in the strong horse of Israel either. Last night he was talking about how 'disgusting' it is.  He also spoke of my grandfather and how they took better care of him. Well that was a very long time ago, and the prosperity of the nation was certainly higher for the poor in those days. 

Today, he is talking about the poppies. Well, we all know where they put the poppies, don't we. How about those poppy fields in Afghanistan. In October 2011, I made a post about the 'Poppies', and it mentions the month of November. It also mentions how someone had put a poppy and a cross, in my garden against the fence on my right.

Clearly, a poignant message of 'death', left by someone, so I removed it. As Prophet Isaiah predicted, the 'covenant of death is annulled'. The Church didn't like that did they, the fact that the biblical prophecy predicted it, and that 'the LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy'.

They were warned so many times, for so many years, about what would happen if they built upon the foundations of Jesus with building materials. The prophecy is clear, about how the buildings would go up in flames, just like the Prince of Peace Church did in Philadelphia in 2008.

Ever read Isaiah 22:22 and how yours truly had the key of David? David and the prophets, bless him, mentioned in the Gabriel Revelation. May he rest in peace, I cherished his understanding and knowing of me, a witness to the far reaching implications of the mission of compassion and mercy, in its depth and breadth. He is with the world turtle, helping conservationists and indigenous peoples, his work carries on in his true Spirit.

As Prophet Isaiah predicted, peace will be your governor,
 and well-being your ruler.

Wisdom was proven right by her words, wisdom was proven right by her actions.

The one that gets wisdom loves life,
the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper'.

Now lets get those nuclear reactors closed down, as soon as possible.

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