
Tuesday 15 July 2014

Israel -v- Gaza Message

So now the emails start arriving in my in box from America, about the situation in the Middle East.

My response to the Liberal Jewish Americans and their Muslim counterparts.

There is no facility for recovery, and because there is no facility for recovery, there is extinction.

Did David have a navigator and take its wisdom on board?

He ended up being hung on an oak tree, wisdom shared with him that he must leave the Isle of Cowes and get on with divine purpose. Had he integrated the wisdom, he would still be alive today. Wisdom asked David to go on a two day healing course, he said, he didn't require it. Men what can you do with them. Wisdom knows that a sailor requires a moral compass, in the same way that a pilot requires his navigator.

How about the designer in New York that they say 'committed suicide'. As the LORD said, 'Your designer clothes will not save you'.  I noticed recently, that Mick Jagger was photographed in a hotel, with a new younger model.  That was predicted as well.

You were all warned years ago, in fact, the prophecies of Malachi told you what would happen, when I arrived. The bible also tells you not to rely on man, yet you still do, and so the extinction continues. Another 89 reported as passed over in Afghanistan today, Islam at it again.

As the LORD said in April, 'A bomb has hit their hearts'. 

Every sailor requires a moral compass, every pilot requires a navigator, do you get it yet?

What plane of existence are you on? Where are you coming from?

'The one that gets wisdom loves life, the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper'.

Original artwork gifted, to the one that delivered the pink wings. 
July 2014 

I warned Israel, that when they stop hearing from me, that was the time to be very concerned.

What is the name of the mashiach , do you know?

Have you ever met her?

Listen to the song, it tells you who the noble woman of character is. 

How about the governor, who is she?

Do you know?

"Completion of truth exists'. 

Jesus told his true followers that wisdom would come.

Remember the crimson bed covering of the noble woman of character?

'Wisdom will be proven right by HER actions,
wisdom will be proven right by HER words'.

Did you understand his message?

Did you start a campaign to close down the nuclear reactors?

How about the messages of the Jewish prophets,
of how man has to defend and care fully for women and children?

Did you carefully for wisdom, Israel?

How about the flame of Joseph?

How about the Mashiach, did you care fully for her Israel?

Did you care fully for the harp of faithfulness
that the LORD sent to help you all?

Did you care and love daughter Zion as much as she did you?

Or did you love her more?

Did you love her beyond measure?

Did you love her magnanimously?

Did you love her and her charitable mission of compassion and mercy?

'Do not forsake wisdom, she will protect you,
love her, and she will watch over you' Proverbs 4:6

Did you care fully when the war began in 2006,
after the first mission to Israel.

Did you turn your hearts to the children,
 when the anointed,
 delivered the everlasting covenant of peace,
 for the children in 2007?

How about when the whale arrived in 2010?

The sign of Jonah that indicated that the judgment had begun.

How about when the fire came down on Mount Carmel,

 and 5 million trees burned to the ground.

That was one tree for every Jewish person living in Israel.

You see,

the LORD loves his daughter ZION,

more than he loves Israel.

Do you get it yet?

Joseph is a fruitful vine.


Did indeed arrive!

The woman of noble character is worth more than rubies, Israel.

Israel did you have confidence in her?

Was she astute enough for you?

Did you trust her fully?

The LORD put his trust in a woman to fulfill divine intervention.

Did you put your trust in the LORD and the choice that he made?

Ever read about where he sent her in Israel?

Which valley was that Israel, do you know?

She is written in the records of Israel.

She holds the scroll of remembrance that was given to her.

The integrity of wisdom was entrusted.

Beauty is fleeting that is true.

The Native Americans are correct,
the beauty of the face, moves into the heart.

How deep is she, do you know?

What are the depths of wisdom?

As the LORD said to yours truly,

'Your love is as deep as an ocean, and as tall as a tree'.

Were you a Spirit of Justice for daughter Zion, Israel?

How about you Rom and Gabriel?

Righteousness strikes!

As the LORD said yesterday, ELOHE.


And he says, 'LEVI'.

Testament of Levi:
The heavens shall be opened, and from the temple of glory shall come upon him sanctification, with the Father's voice as from Abraham to Isaac. And the glory of the Most High shall be uttered over him, and the spirit of understanding and sanctification shall rest upon him in the water.(Levi 5:21-22)
The LORD said, 'Bless you, bless you, bless you my child, bless you'. 

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