
Tuesday 8 July 2014


The Isle of Wight is cracking, the council say that it will cost 20M to repair the road. 

There is an annual festival on the Isle of Wight, and today, it reminded me of dear Michael, who is mentioned in the book of Daniel. Michael M. Maudlin, loved this song, 'Suzanne'.

David John Green from Cowes, knew all about the case of Michael, and what they did to him. The legal term for it is 'Corporate Manslaughter', and 'Criminal Negligence', have they been charged yet, or arrested? The American police force refused to investigate the death of a man, that does not exist in any computerized government records in the USA. How then, can they administrate his probate? Did the probate office, ask his beloved friend for the will? 

They won't be able to mop this one up, or brush it under the carpet. 

David John Green was fully aware of the case of MMM, and I wrote to him,  'It is in the case David, it is in the case'. Then three years later, David is found hanging on an oak tree. Does 'Corporate Manslaughter', ring a bell? Then there was Keith, the national press wrote that he died due to being struck by lightening, while he was sailing on his boat. That's two sailors and an anthropologist.

Seriously, due to the circumstances of all three, it makes me wonder whether he was now. 

Three highly intelligent men, that were close to yours truly, and drawn to the light of the power of love. 

Then there was the fact that they came after yours truly, and my son, and they did it, on the solar eclipse both times. I shared it with Amnesty International, and do you know what one of them asked me?

1. Are you a clairvoyant? I replied, 'yes, a professional, that had clients in 14 countries'. 

2. Are you Jewish?, 'I replied, I do have some Jewish blood in my veins'. 

They simply, cannot shut us up, for we are dauntless. In the scripture Jesus warned us all, that they would come for us, in the same way that they came for him. I also gave David Green prior warning of that as well. In fact, I advised David to leave the Isle of Wight in 2010-2011, I shared with David, that he wasn't safe there. He received the testimony of warning. 

Have you ever read William Blake's, prophetic poems, 'Songs of Innocence and Experience?'.

In the UK, Brits in social housing, are told that their children cannot have their own bedrooms, yet, Cameron has just given 22.4M to hollywood for the making of the new Thor movie. 

No surprise then, that when I approached Lord Puttnam (producer of Chariots of Fire) to help an ex-London producer, to create a movie on the true Christ teachings, I did not receive any help from him. 

Of course not, Thor is far important than the truth, isn't it? When he was head of Columbia, he made a film, 'Hope and Glory', so who is he giving his hope and glory to?

David Puttnam on the Isle of Wight 

'Lord David Puttnam and Michael Maloney, Shakespearean actor and co-star of Truly Madly Deeply.
Mr Rickman joked of his time on Truly Madly Deeply: “I have said this before. Anthony’s first words to the cast of Truly Madly Deeply were ‘help!’”
He added: “You measure out your life by people like Anthony Minghella. Then you honour them by whatever you are asked to do.”

In 2012, after the dream of the film director, I was given a vision of the protestors in London.

This is what was written:


'I then saw a vision of the protestors in London, and everywhere, with the sign 'What would Jesus do now'. I then wrote the first lines in the book dedicated to them. "Thank you to the protestors of Occupy London, you inspired me to finish this book. Thank you to the protestors around the world, this book is for you'.

After I woke up, I realized that this has been a recurring dream. Now I have another part of it.


I once knew two ladies with that name.

The first was a beautiful pharmacist that lived in my home.

The other was the PR director, hired by yours truly, to serve my clients.

I forgave the PR director, my heart is for giving.

Have we rocked the boat of the sailing community yet?

How about the land?

I recommend that the rich and wealthy on the Isle of Wight and David Cameron, who supports Islamic Sharia finance, and its law for green technology, review where they're going. For judgement is surely upon you all, (including Jimmy Chestnutt) due to what you are doing to our nation of this land of Joseph.

I recommend that you all read Luke 16. For the dogs licked it in 2014,with the sheer power of love that exists eternally, real love endures forever.

Ever seen this Jesse fresco of daughter Zion in the Vatican?

Who do you think it is sitting in the brown?

Is it David John Green?

Doesn't he have two sons?

Michelangelo Jesse Fresco 

As the LORD said, 'Now it is going to get crisper'.

You see, they might have records of who I emailed.

However, there are masses of people that I didn't email,

people that I met face to face, physically.

People from different countries and nations.

People who held my hand, people whose hearts were touched.

People who were blessed, and have recordings of my voice.

People who were healed, people who were loved.

Then there are those that have seen my face in dreams and visions.

Those that have been given my name.

Those that the LORD chose to send me to,

to speak to their souls in Spirit.

Isaiah 60:22

In April 2014, I had a dream, I was at a gate that I know.


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