
Monday 21 July 2014


Last night I had a nightmare, I was in a flat with a long hallway, at the beginning of the dream there was a woman and a baby standing in the doorway, the men were behind her. She was asking to come in. After some deliberation, I let them in.

They began to gather up their things, this was a recurring dream. When the man went to get his things from the bathroom, I asked the 'rebel' if he would like any help, and if they were leaving. He then grabbed hold of me, and tried to strangle me, with a long red cloth. Cloth like you see pictured in the Nostradamus paintings.

While he was strangling me, I began to shout at him, and I said to him, 'The LORD curses you, the LORD curses you, the LORD curses you'.

Then he let go of the red cloth, and the dream ended. The reason that he was trying to 'kill' me, is that they thought, that I knew too much about their history, and what they had done.

They looked like 'rebels' from Eastern Europe.


It is natural after bereavement to have a nightmare or nightmares, especially if you have been bereaved of someone that you loved, or that person was 'murdered'.  In this case due to being 'strangled', e.g. a friend being found on an oak tree.

The only reason that I let the 'rebels' in, was because the woman had a baby in her arms. Children my achilles heel. The biblical prophecies predicted that they would wait for my feet, and go after my heel e.g. my only weakness, the children. Remember this song?

I can see how the color 'red' links into the 'communists', I can also see how the color red links into the 'Kern County' prophecy, otherwise known as the 'Kilowatt' prophecy.  The Kilowatt prophecy, became known as the Kern County prophecy, after the 'shooting' took place in the USA, within 24 hours of the prediction, and location being given.

The tall 16 year old child, with red hair. I wonder how he is sometimes due to the fact that we know scientifically that the brain of a child is not fully developed until the age of 25. Yet, the court decided to put the child on trial as a man. What was a child doing, with easy access to a gun? Where is the common sense of the parents?

My heart really went out to him, due to what the other children were doing to him. He was a replica of the man on the plane, in the recent arrivals dream. His stature and build. Although the man in the arrivals terminal, had long black hair, like an Italian.

I also remember how the 'curses', came from American Christians, after the prophecies were fulfilled. Hence, my consciousness is being cleared of memories of such things.

For it is not in my enlightened nature to 'curse' anyone. Although, I can see how a person would do so, if they were being 'killed', and their life was being taken. As Jesus said, 'Forgive them Father'.

I can also see how this could have a relevance to past life times of existence in Europe. Especially, as I was on the planet during WW2, and was liberated from a concentration camp.  The nightmare shows us that the 'communist rebels', helped with the 'extermination' of the Jewish people in Europe. In the same way that Iraqi Christians, are being driven out of Iraq by 'rebels'.

In dream interpretation, if you dreamed of being 'strangled', it can mean that you're being overcautious, and or, that you have to get some help. However, with dream interpretation, we have to take everything into account. This dream can indicate a warning about who you open the door to.

I once opened my door and home to a pregnant student. How could this compassionate and merciful heart turn her away? Sometimes, they 'bite the hands that fed them'.

That is why healing is essential, to ensure that people come from their hearts. However, prophecy predicted that former friends would stand against the teacher of righteousness. Prophecy also predicted that only one in a thousand, would be able to stand in integrity before the flame of Joseph, and its coat of many colors.

Sometimes, people are not always as innocent as they look, and some people are happy to use children to gain access to the Mashiach, exactly as the biblical prophecy predicted. Remember how some people utilize children as human shields. I suggest that they read Isaiah 8 about the testimony of warning. 'Do not forsake wisdom, she will protect you, love her and she will watch over you'. Proverb 4:6..

The red can also relate to the woman of noble character, and the bed covering, that was made from material.

The prophecy also predicted that 'she shall crush their head'. They waited for my Lotus Feet, for they knew that the LORD would give glory to his feet. As Rev 12 indicated, the wondrous woman from heaven has the moon under her feet, she is dressed in the sun, and has stars on her head. The Rev 12 timeline was completed in December 2008. It was that Christmas night, that Jesus delivered the song, 'Nothing else matters'. He also asked me to read Micah 4, and that includes the mission to the USA.

After the dream was over, I called out for a friend, and he arrived immediately on an energetic level. He spoke to me, he knew what was happening.

As the LORD said, 'To HE that understands the promise, there is no secret'.

In my humble view, and experience, this dream specifically relates to the throat and communication, and the fact that, the man who was the 'leader of the rebels', was trying to silence yours truly. So what is to be done?

Non-violent communication, legally, in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law.

Scientifically, peacefully, and lovingly.

The truth will set them free.


  1. Pregnant woman and child killed in air strike.

  2. Israel responds to 'violence' against it. When Israel strikes back to defend its people, that includes Arab Muslims and the Arab Druze etc, the rest of the world doesn't like it. In the context of the Eastern Europeans and the 'communists', we all know about Obama and his rebel connections. Obama's code name was 'renegade'.In the night mare dream, the red material was floating like you see it in the Nostradamus paintings. In the context of the 'attack' against me in the night mare,compared with the bible, it is ESAU that is the 'attacker', and starts it all the time. However, it is usually Israel that ends it, due to international outcry.

  3. Israel responds to 'violence' against it. When Israel strikes back to defend its people, that includes Arab Muslims and the Arab Druze etc, the rest of the world doesn't like it. In the context of the Eastern Europeans and the 'communists', we all know about Obama and his rebel connections. Obama's code name was 'renegade'.In the night mare dream, the red material was floating like you see it in the Nostradamus paintings. In the context of the 'attack' against me in the night mare,compared with the bible, it is ESAU that is the 'attacker', and starts it all the time. However, it is usually Israel that ends it, due to international outcry.

  4. While reading a post about the 'rebels' and what they do on the internet with tracking peoples locations, Jesus spoke and he said, 'You have hit the mark'.

    Just seen the American news and two women in America have been 'strangled', a jogger and a different woman in her home, in a location with an Eastern European sounding name. Yes, I can feel the heat of Jesus with me, and the power of his love. This is to do with the nightmare that I received.

    It happened in Pulaski County, and the man that did it was a 'Paul Katschke'. Another East European sounding name.
