
Friday 11 July 2014


Today, when I woke up I saw this picture and heard this song.

As soon as I said his name, in response, I saw the badge of the wings that pilots wear, the wings then turned bright pink.


After that I saw some energy in an oblong shape, a bar, it was on its side, it was golden, going orange, then it transformed itself into a pinky red, the color of a carnation, like the color of the bedspread of the noble woman of character.

I can see the face of a dog like an afghan in that painting.
He can certainly bark when he chooses to, big smiles.

So what does the bar mean?

“The gates of Jerusalem are not to be opened until the sun is hot. 
While the gatekeepers are still on duty, have them shut the doors and bar them.
Nehemiah 7:3

'He strengthens the bars at your gates, and blesses your people within you'. Psalm 147:13 

Amazing that there are bars in the patchwork quilt, 
 that I made by hand, 35 years ago. 

The power of this man's love cannot be hidden, it just keeps on reseeding itself, creating more carnations. Fields of carnations, like a field of dreams, he loves to watch them flower and blossom, the beauty of creation.

The power of his love has to be known, he cannot conceal it, or contain it, his soul and its Spirit, commands him to be who he was born to be. A magnanimous love, that lives in the divine light of hope for humanity, and those that he loves.

He knows that the river of love kept on flowing, his heart felt the heat of the wave of the love vibration. The dreams, the paintings, the songs, the messages, were showing him something very important was happening. He cannot hide his love under a Lotus flower like some men do. He has to shout it from the rooftops, and put his power of love on the lamp stand, to light up the house.

I have seen the pilots wings previously, so I checked the archives to see if I had recorded it.

On the 17th August, 2010, there was 'Divine Flyers Crop Circle' and its interpretation.

22nd June, 2011, 'Morning Star Crop Circle', it really should have been called 'Propellers', and the post mentions the moral compass.

11th December, 2012, 'Golden Wings and Psalm 68'. As I look now at the painting of golden wings, it reminds me of our Queen of Hearts, Princess Diana.

While I was writing an email, the LORD said, my name that people are asking for, the name people are looking for.

After that I could smell a man's fragrance. That is the second time in the last couple of weeks, that I have smelt a man's fragrance. In the biblical prophecies the fragrance is described as incense, and it can be the prayers of the saints.

This then follows on from the 'Arrivals Dream', as I wrote earlier today, I had to be at the still point after the miracle for Seadog, because after that my computer was impacted upon.

I cannot write, or access any documents, only pictures, safari and skype. I had to be still for the events to unfold before me, I could not move forward, I had to sit in the nothingness, and nakedness of the crimson towel of swooning. I had to be in the meekness and humility of poverty for the still point time.

I had to be an example for the world, to enable the moral compass to be in its fruition of Joseph is a fruitful vine. I had to be ready, courageous enough, to defend the innocence of the deeply spiritual man, David John Green.

I had to reach the destination, for the fulfillment of the divine mission. Do you understand that just has they 'destroyed' Princess Diana, Dodi, and David, they tried to do the same to wisdom, as soon as the Rev 12 timeline began. The 21st century was born in her wisdom.

'Do not forsake wisdom, she will protect you, love her, and she will watch over you'. Proverbs 4:6

Indeed souls can fly, just like the soul of the man that flew to be, by my side, today.

He smiles happily at wisdom when yours truly defends a child. He remembers, wisdom brought it back to his remembrance, exactly, as Jesus predicted that she would.

We trust in the LORD to help us, to transform the 'way of sorrow' to the 'way of love'. As the LORD said, 'Your love is as deep as the ocean and as tall as a tree'.

Did you find your divine wings? How much self-development work did you do?

Was it intense?

'Self-development teaches the soul to fly' Sacred Words

Spiritual path of mashiach

The children of New Jerusalem, the new holy city of enlightenment will come, just as prophet Isaiah predicted, for the LORD ordained it in his divine plan.


  1. Just checked in with Robert Wilkinson,looks like we are on track. Full moon in cancer-capricorn and its about truth and honesty.

  2. And the verse of the day is Jesus speaking about 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but every word that comes from the mouth of God', Matthew 4:4

    I said to them, “The gates of Jerusalem are not to be opened until the sun is hot. While the gatekeepers are still on duty, have them shut the doors and bar them. Also appoint residents of Jerusalem as guards, some at their posts and some near their own houses.” Nehemiah 7:3

    Funny, I wrote yesterday, that the door is shut!


  3. 'He strengthens the bars at your gates, and blesses your people within you'. Psalm 147:13

    Would you believe it, the church just turned upon my doorstep.

  4. A couple of weeks ago I had a vision of a man watching me spread the paint in nature. Today, I was compelled to launch the new blog. It feels exciting. It was easy to select the template with nature, and the crimson banner was the heading on the template LOL.
