
Sunday 27 July 2014


I should have mentioned that the day before the event in Lincolnshire, I had a dream of a young friend.

David is a scientist and a spiritual author and speaker. He had come to me for spiritual guidance and counsel, his face was 'glum'. I asked him where his Elizabeth was, he didn't answer. So I asked him again, and also asked him, if Elizabeth had gone to Hollywood, he didn't respond. Then the dream ended.

Then the very next day, there was the report about the event at an Elizabethan estate in Lincolnshire. I had forgotten about the dream, until the event was in the news. That Elizabethan estate, is now owned by Canadians and they filmed feature films there, that include the Da Vinci Code, and Elizabeth Golden Age.  I do like historical movies with great costumes.

After the events in Lincolnshire, the next day there was an event in Canada, an iceberg had collapsed and gone on a man while his wife was shouting. 2nd event in a week to do with the 'head being crushed', that also aligns with the genesis prophecy of 'she shall crush thy head', timeline.

They did wait for the heel of these Lotus Feet. It is no coincidence that Aquarians have 'weak ankles', and the LORD predicted that he would save the lame. Hence, being that it is the Aquarian Age, good care of these Lotus Feet is essential, for Jesus was correct, 'the truth shall set them free' and 'man cannot live on bread alone'. See, man requires the wine of the prophet, for survival on this planet.  He has to pour the wine of the prophets life over the bread, then eat it, like they did in ancient times in Israel.

Joseph is a fruitful vine, it climbs over every wall.

David did seek wisdom, he did pursue righteousness. Bless him, he did meditate daily with his crew.

So then what is going on with the scientists and spiritual authors, and why are they so 'glum'.

Perhaps the spiritual should've trusted fully in yours truly, stayed close with me on the plane of love, and supported divine will, and the divine plan of building New Jerusalem. How about Angels Healing Trust, how many supported the healing dome project for  'depressed and suicidal children'.

Last night, another friend was sharing how the spiritual require divine guidance and counsel. I am aware that many have tried to call me, many have tried to find me. The old number was cut off, and I got a new one.

However, the gates and doors are now closed. Righteousness is on strike!

They should've had true kindness, mercy and compassion for yours truly, only when the sun is hot, can they come in.

So to all those spiritual people, I recommend that you read Hosea 12 and Malachi 3, as a reality check.

Just read that the Brits have been instructed to leave Libya, immediately.

Do you know what mashiach will say?

Where were you, when you wrote that you were too busy, to receive planetary news?

Where were you, when the prophets were calling out for financial help?

Where were you, when the prophets were calling out for help with healing?

Where were you, when the prophets had to be fed?

Where were you, when many souls were asking for help?

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