
Wednesday 23 July 2014


Today, I've been writing about Israel-v-Gaza, following the night mare that I had.

I  had just responded to an American, and about to post the 'Dead Sea Scrolls - Apostrophe of Zion'. and the LORD spoke to me quietly, gently, and tenderly.

He said, 'Alaya' like you would say, rest.

Look, bless, a little angel from heaven, Alaya. When you look at such beauty, nothing else matters. That's why parents swoon. Parents are meant to swoon, so that the children receive the attention, love beyond measure, and all the purest intention that they deserve.

The word can be found in Hebrew, Arabic and Sanscrit. Buddhists describe 'Alaya', as the 'Storehouse' Consciousness in relation to the seeds of karma.

A storehouse of life experience, words, deeds and actions.

Hosea 13 mentions Ephraim, Israel and the storehouse, and so does Malachi 3.

In August 2013, I had a dream of spiritual levitation.

I was raised up and placed upon the bed, the heavenly Father then placed his hand on my back and gave me healing. 

Earlier this week, the hand of love covered some of my body, then there was healing received on the left side of my body. I could feel it physically, and it impacted on my meridians, muscles, and pressure points. 

Then yesterday, I was shown the book of Ezra and it mentions, 'My hands will cover you, that your sons may not see Gehenna. Rejoice, O mother, with your sons, because I will deliver you, says the Lord.' 

On Tuesday night, I had laughter happiness, and laughter is good for the muscles in the face. I love to laugh, and love to love. Tuesday, sitting in the sun, there was lots of loving pink energy coming towards me, followed by yellow-lime green, then bright lemon.  

After the Alaya message, I rest until further instruction. My energy is depleted due to life conditions and circumstances. Like after a baby is born, and they have to have, loving and tender loving care for recovery. I also have to eat more, to raise my energy levels. Hence, the smoked mackerel wraps. 

When I woke up today, (Wednesday morning),  there was an eagle flying towards me, the eagle was soaring with a huge wing span. In spiritual symbology the eagle has numerous different meanings, depending what culture you are looking at. In India, it is the Guruda bird on which Vishnu rides, and Guruda speaks to me of vibrational medicine.

In Hebrew, it is renewal, and the direction of the East. In Greece, it represents spiritual power, victory and favor. In Christianity, it is a symbol of Apostle John, who was a wonderful healer. It is the soul renewed by grace, like Apostle John was able to renew people with his large healing hands.

The Spirit, ascension, and a vehicle of Buddha. The soaring eagle is triumph of the Spirit over the physical, it can also be a symbol of liberation and rescue. 

When he said, Alaya, it sounds like, A lay ah. Or 'a layer.' Hence, the eagle reaches a layer of consciousness, that enables it to soar to a new height, due its soul being renewed by grace.

In spiritual symbology, the eagle can also be about dignity, and the healing thereof, for righteousness and its faithfulness to trustful loyalty, heals dignity. Just like in the story of Lazarus, people were made aware of what had happened to the beggar, and the reasons why. Lazarus was rescued and taken up.

When I was viewing the 'Dead Sea Scrolls - Apostrophe of Zion' in the video provided. I knew immediately, who wrote those words for Zion, due to the sheer power of the connection of love.

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