
Thursday 26 June 2014


Today, is the anniversary of Michael's passing in 2010 and a lot of water has gone under the bridge of peace since then. 26 is also the gematria value of the name of God and relates to the date of my birth. When the LORD said, 'Tell them when you were born'. 13 x 2 = 26..

Michael is mentioned in the book of Daniel with myself and the Prince of Greece. He was born in South Africa, and then he and his mother moved to America. A legal representative of his estate did leave a message on this blog for me on the 12th June 2014. I have asked a friend to contact them, in the USA with my response and an email contact address.

The war that Michael was in during his life in America, is now coming to its conclusion, and culmination of his life's work for social justice. He was a very talented scholar, and anthropologist, a university lecturer. He understood the power of the word, and the impact that the heart of communication had on people.

Michael pursued the teacher of righteousness, and gained a light saber, that he knew how to wield. He didn't require any swords or guns, he found something awesome, the light of perfected love, that brought freedom to humanity.

I did not always agree with him, and his methods, and he wasn't a man to change, the military soldier was entrenched in his being, and heart, and sometimes it was hard to reach him, and hold his attention due to what had been inbred.

Although I smile, if I think of the times when I showed up, and immediately, his heart would soften, and his communication would change, and become loving when he saw what he called, 'The One', arrive.

He wrote so much to inform and educate the outcasts, he worked so hard to help them, he was a pent-up flood that wouldn't stop writing, and his memory was as large as the contents of his library.  The internet and those he loved kept him alive as long as he had contact and service. He passed over, due to every service being cut off, and there were many times when he had either little, or no food.

As far as I am concerned, the legal term for it is 'Criminal Negligence', and 'Corporate Manslaughter'. Due to the fact, that he did not exist in any government record. An IT professor had eradicated all of his legal records, to the point that he couldn't even access his financial portfolio to feed and clothe himself.

When he wrote, you must come, you must come now, I replied, OK, I will arrange a flight immediately. The reason that we spent time together in Florida, was due to the planned meeting there with spiritual elders. That's a story in itself.

It was Michael that called me 'Dauntless'.

He was an avid supporter of Israel, and the mission that yours truly had been given. Michael defended the cause of daughter Zion, although he knew that yours truly, was trustfully loyal to lovingkindness.

This week I have been eating sweet dates, and last night, I did wonder if the significance of it means that my fast is over.

This morning when I woke up I received a whisper, 'Convine', and then I saw the King of Rainbows again, smiling at me. Its such a powerful connection between the two of us. Powerful loving heart energy. Its peaceful, accepting, comprehending, and so much more, many lifetimes of knowing. 'The one that gets wisdom loves life, the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper'.

For our rainbow children especially, it is wonderful that a such a man exists and that our hearts unite.

On this day, I have a visit with the foot specialist, and hope to see friends today. The sun is shinning, it is time to live and love again, and not just love. For what is the gravity of love, it gravitates to perfected love, and those that have a love of life, cherish it, and the planet on which we walk lightly.

On the 30th August, 2014, it will be 1335 days since that fateful day in January, 2011 solar eclipse. A spiritual Israeli friend once said that 1335 means happiness.

The word 'Convine', can be found as a Spanish verb. That reminds me to take my phone with me, to get a top up so that I can check in with a Spanish friend.

The word 'Convenir', from whence it comes, can mean 'to agree', 'to admit', 'to agree upon', 'to suit'.

Blessings in abundance

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