
Monday 2 June 2014


In the post and interview with John Scott, (AUS) about his near death experience, he mentions how the events led up to him becoming a recluse for 15 years.

In my humble view, its a classic case of 'Shock Immobility', When a person experiences 'Extreme Shock', or  a series of 'Repeated Shocks', over a long period of time.

The power of the impact upon the consciousness of the being, that it encounters, can force the system into 'shut down', 'close down' or 'withdrawal'.  Some of the energy of the person can also flip out of the body, and not get back into it.

A person with active intelligence, becomes self-reliant upon their inner strength by staying in their centre, to get them through. The center being a neutral place of peace, and the realm of the Spirit.

At the same time, they have no or little connection, with the material world. It is the Spirit's defense mechanism to defend the being from further injuries, shock or trauma.  Especially, a defence of the inner being and its sanctuary of peace.

A person can go through various stages of recovery, and different phases of it manifesting in the physical.  It can impact on the nervous system, the circulatory system, you can find blood vessels exploding, where it didn't happen before.

Your senses are heightened to sound, and your being can response to loud bangs, loud noises, etc. Depending on the cause of the 'shock', or 'shocks,  a person that comes up behind you can cause a person to shudder, it is an auric field-nervous system response.

A knock at the door, the phone ringing, can also make you jump, it feels like another shock to the system. Consciousness is prone to sound, and the impact of sound. Its vibrations on its consciousness, especially if a person is vibrating at a high level of being of sensitivity and clairsentience. We are vibrational beings with a multi-dimensional consciousness.

The person can live quite peacefully, yet, certain aspects of the world simply do not exist anymore. So for instance, material things have no meaning at all.

Friends can find it difficult to comprehend, due to you looking healthy enough, yet you're not doing the things that you used to do, or would be expected to do to live what they would call a normal life.

Nothing physical seems to have any meaning at all, apart from your own physical being, that you are doing your utmost to preserve. In the best way that you know how.

It can be a very difficult time for a person, especially when there is physical injury involved. 'Shock Trauma', is rarely accurately diagnosed, and certainly not early enough, in the proceedings from the medical profession.  The following should always be carried out:

1. Thorough examination of any physical injuries.

2. Treatment for physical injury and bodywork.

3. MRI scan.

4. St Johns Wort that helps bring balance to the nervous system.

5. Flower essences to help release the shock from the bodies systems.

6. Touch therapies to include: Reflexology, Shiatsu, Aromatherapy massage and Reiki.

7. A total holistic approach.

If and when a person experiences a series of situations and life conditions, even a tooth extraction can be traumatic to the systems of the body. Due to the extent of what the consciousness has experienced, you simply do not have any control over it, and its impact on you.

So people in recovery can find that they take two steps forward with their healing process, and then find themselves in a delay of 'shock immobility' for another six months. That has manifested simply due to some dental treatment, combined with other life conditions that have impacted on the life that you are living in the process.

So for instance financial issues can also delay the healing recovery.  Eviction notices, legal situations, etc. Especially when finances are strictly to do with the material world that the being has no, or little connection with.  Hence, paying bills, making arrangements, attending appointments, anything to do with the world that the person has become a recluse from.

It does impact on functionality, so for instance, you can have the will and ideas to do something, yet, the energy has to be mustered to put practical things into effect. You can still be creative, if it doesn't require a practical application, in the material world. Its imply the nature of the condition that is impacting on the systems and functions of the person. This is a condition that people definitely wish to recover from fully. However, they require the right help, at the right time, depending where they are on the journey of it.

What these people require is a lot of practical support when they ask for it.  So for instance, you can find yourself in a situation, where there is no food due to not going shopping, or not having any money to pay for it. Due to you existing on the absolute minimum that you can live on. Of course, eating in a healthy way is essential, not just food, but nutrients, minerals, and other supplements might be required dependent on the symptoms that you are experiencing on a physical level. 

Appetite can also be impacted upon, just like it impacts on people who are bereaved. 

It is important that you take your own health into your own hands, as well as ensure, that you get the appropriate help,  as and when required. It can take a long time in self-assessment, and self-analysis to work out what is going on with your consciousness. However, once you comprehend it fully, you can then move forward with your recovery. Understanding what situations push you back with your recovery, and what helps to push you forward with your recovery. 

Self-development techniques and exercises are also very important, as well as sunshine and fresh air. However, physical contact, and healthy touch, is essential for any person that has suffered, or is suffering from 'shock',  to help the tissues, cells and consciousness of the body to release it.   

When a person has 'shock immobility', please do not tell them to get a job, or put any pressure upon them to work. They only have enough energy, to keep themselves alive, doing what they are doing.  

However, do encourage these people to be self-expressive, in whatever form that takes, writing, painting, gardening, whatever they feel comfortable and at ease with. They can only do what is easy for them to do, until each phase of the healing recovery is enhanced, and that can take time. 

Of course, the older the person is, the more difficult it is for them.  The longer they go without experiencing any shocks, the faster the recovery is for them. However, professionals must be made aware, that it can take years, if a person doesn't receive the appropriate treatments, at the earliest opportunity.

As John explained, he was a recluse for 15 years,  and there I was in Sydney at that time, giving therapy to people that have suffered from 'shock', and 'trauma'. I'm sure his recovery would've been much faster, had we met at the time. 

The 1st  of June, is the 'Day of Being Seen'.

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