
Sunday 22 June 2014


I was compelled to spread the paint at about 03.00 and then the heavenly Father spoke, 'Radiant hand, a man has been beaten black and blue, he said, that he would do it all again, for you'.


Everyone please be in the peace of the being, the world has had enough of the bloodshed.

The Rabbi's write about the radiance of Moshe and how the people felt 'intimidated' by the light of the presence of the truth that his face shone. How when the Israelites saw his light they shrank back from it. So what did Moshe do? The Rabbi shares with you, that Moshe called to them, and Moshe spoke to them. 

They speak of Moshe appreciation for how they felt, so he hid his radiant face from the Israelites. In this, the Rabbi refers to his humility and profound sensitivity. They write of the 'protection, intimate encounter, and the illumination of Moshe'.

That reminds me of when the LORD said to yours truly,
'They must hear your voice'.
They asked me if I had a cam,
so that they could see my face,
I responded, no.

Only the light, can look directly at the light of the radiance,
for the light shines on the righteous.

Is that why the radiant hand of this miracle worker,
has been hidden from humanity,
 due to how the people feel about the miracles that it manifests?

The LORD wraps himself in the light.

In the case of Joseph, the Dead Sea Scrolls predicted,
in the last days,only one in a thousand,
would be able to stand in integrity, in front of Joseph.

Luke 16 predicts that this is the time when the people must listen to Moshe,
and the prophets, because the dog licked it, in February, 2014.

It is natural that Moshe would wish to be on the planet,
 during this planetary transition.

It was pre-ordained who would walk by his side.

Is he the Spirit of justice, that was predicted to come for daughter Zion?

Has he roused himself in giv'on?

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