
Tuesday 10 June 2014


So what are forum wars all about?  Really all about? As we know there is a difference between defending your own reality for self-preservation, and the self-preservation of humanity. Defending the tree of life and its existence, in comparison with those that cut down the trees until there are none left. 

Are American fighters really fighting for freedom, or are they fighting to defend their own realities that support the status quo, of the corporations that create carnage wherever they go?

Some Americans have a bizarre view of the world, their own and the world of others, based upon what they've been taught, what they learnt as children, life experience, what they've  learned from forum leaders. It would be interesting to do some past life healing work, with people that are involved in forum fighting, because they love the drama of Hollywood and Palleywood.

What does that tell you about their own lives? 

In the beginning I tried to talk to so-called American Christians about integration of the milk of Christ teachings. For if they had integrated what Jesus taught, they would never, ever, speak to, or write what they do to people, and that includes moderators. 

Clearly, it is not just about the root causes of the core issues to do with this lifetime and their 
childhoods. Its not only about them being afraid of being judged, for what they've written and done. 

IMHV, it goes far deeper than that. In the Christ teachings they were told that because they hadn't integrated the milk, they were not ready for the meat of the teachings. And that they should all be spiritual teachers by now. 

People that are involved in 'forum wars', and what they consider 'beating' the life out of people, is indicative of what Indian gurus used to do in ancient times In ancient times, the Indian guru's would physically hit their students to bring up their issues. Surely, humanity has matured emotionally and spiritually since then?

Clearly not in America, so my conclusion is, that the people involved in forum wars, are nothing more than frustrated teachers, that haven't reached their creative and spiritual potential so far this lifetime. 

Hence, their souls are expressing their frustration with their human selves, who are not getting on with the job of why they incarnated in the first place. For if they think that hitting each other, throwing stones at each other, is going to save America. They better think again. For is that the way to heal a nation? Clearly not, did Jesus do what they do? Jesus defended the innocent and tender hearted, remember how he defended Mary Magdalene the healer, with a few words of wisdom. 

Jesus warned them that they would be judged for their words in this timeline. Nothing is driven out of the body, due to violence, in thought, word or deed.  That is why, repeatedly, yours truly gave them back everything that they threw at me, for it is theirs to own. Of course, I gave it back to them with love. 

If only they understood that the LORD sends his holy ones, to defend the sanctity of their being. If only they had the humility to accept the help when it was offered to them. If only they had been willing to listen, and do what the LORD and his Son asked them to do. 

Who on earth, would be willing to fight for the sake of fighting? 

Not I, does it remind you of Rome and how they put men in the ring to fight for the sake of entertainment? Will they be happy when they've all killed each other? For surely, fighting for the sake of it, is senseless. Seriously, what would marriage like that be like, is that what they are used to? Has that been their life experience, and that is why they carry on doing it? Do they honestly think that Jesus would wish to have a relationship with any of them?

Truly, I agree with him, that life on earth has no value without peace.

James Blunt sings about crying on a shoulder of a friend. Do you remember doing that? Did you cry so much on the shoulder of a friend, that his suit shoulder was soaked as he carried you around the dance floor? Is it a coincidence that daughter Zion was crying those tears when America were involved in serious wars against other nations? 

Did you ever wake up to find yourself on the shoulder of Hashem and the LORD being there for you? I did during the Rev 12 timeline.  

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