
Wednesday 18 June 2014

Money or Love?

The more devoted that I became to the will of the heavenly Father, the more an aver-sion developed towards the material world. As each year passed, it became stronger and stronger, as I turned to God and his will for me, for everything in my life, and for my existence to be sustained.

Aver-sion is not a feeling, its an existence in the reality of the LORD when he wraps himself in the light. Its not even something a person dislikes, it isn't intense, because that which is averse to you, simply does not exist for you, in your peace of being divine love in his name.

When the LORD exists for you, as intensely as he does for me, nothing else matters, except those that he brings to you, for his divine purpose. His will, divine will.

Once you have seen the face of the LORD, it impacts on your whole existence and state of being.

I became a 'holy beggar' for his divine purpose of showing humanity, the level of their compassion, and mercy for the poor and outcasts. I understood the initiation in the timeline, its divine purpose, and how it had to be seen and viewed, by those that say that they come from the light of love.

I knew that this instrument of faithfulness had to be an example to humanity in his perfected love.  When there is war, the empath doesn't eat. The mystic doesn't even have to look at the news to know what is happening in Iraq etc, and his mystic has an aversion to it, because he is averse to it.

At the end of the day, humanity cannot eat money, didn't Jesus warn everyone about that 2,000 years ago? Didn't the native Americans and other indigenous peoples warn the people?

Oh yes, I met the shrewd manager, and he did leave his job as MD, once integrity discovered what he was doing, with the money of the company that I was employed by. His attraction for yours truly, made no difference, I did not save the shrewd manager that is a biblical parable given by Jesus.

Remember this that in the timeline of Joseph, only one in a thousand can stand in integrity before this flame of love. The power of love is greater than the power of money, and it always will be so.

Did the Son of God say,  'whoever can be trusted with little, can be trusted with much'. Why did he speak of the little do you know? Did he know that daughter Zion would be little in height, and have little feet and hands, a small bone structure?

Did you understand his message and how the prophets, healers and spiritual teachers lived on little? Did you comprehend why Elijah had to be delivered with food?

Did you comprehend his message about Moses and the prophets? Did you understand how Jesus and those that he was teaching, were supported by those that were worthy to do so?

What would you rather touch, that which is divine or money? What would you rather see the divine or money? Who would you rather love and be devoted too? Did my friends choose the perfected love and follow it? Do you know? What did they choose to be mastered by? Money or love? Did they allow money to consume them, or did they allow love to exalt them?

So pass that on to the investors in the CT community, and the man in Holland. Especially, those that came out of the Billy Graham church. Then ask them to read Isaiah 28, for surely as I stand, judgement is coming upon the churches. Do you remember when the heavenly Father spoke of the 'constructionist', and gave the testimony of warning about him and those associated with him?

Do you remember that the LORD gave the 1,000 days prophecy to Amsterdam, and how it was going to get bigger? Its not long now.

'Light shines on the righteous and joy on the upright in heart'.Psalm 97:11

Righteousness is about living the spiritual law on a daily basis. An upright heart, is a heart of integrity and it requires integrity to live in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law of your being. If your being is in harmony with the spiritual law, then the power of love blossoms within you.

Did you get the point of Archangel Michael's sword of truth to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping? Did you comprehend the blunted edge of Archangel Gabriel's mystic of mercy?

Did you appreciate the holy sister in the quality of grace? Did you bless the godmother of compassion for children? Did you exalt and honor what the Son of God exalted and honored? Did you live the power of love with all of your being?

Did you raise your sons to cook for their mothers, defend the widows and fatherless?  Or were you too busy sending them to Iraq, promoting the church, and counting the cash America?

This heart of wisdom warned the Christians about the boundary. In the same way that Jesus did.

'You set a boundary that they cannot cross; never again will they cover the earth'. Psalm  104:9

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