
Wednesday 4 June 2014

Infants Predicted?

In May I was picking up on infants while spreading the paint. The painting was called,  'Test tube'.

This morning I felt tremendous sadness, so I went to rest. There is now news that 15 babies have been 'poisoned'  in maternity wards in British hospitals due to what they were fed.

There are no words to describe how you feel, when things like this happen. I often wonder, why am I told of it, if I am not told where or when, to stop it from happening?

You sometimes ask yourself, what's the point of it all? This happened at the same time as another bus collision in London, (blue and red racing painting) in addition to another school bus crash.  A boat crash at the tower of London, and another back backer gone, this time in Malaysia.

The LORD was correct, 'Felicity has crumbled'.



  1. I never thought i could feel such sorrow, with finding out about the Catholic run orphanage, and 976 dead babies of unwed mothers in a septic tank. Eli, i can't explain how i feel right now. I haven't even been capable of talking to those i can talk with. Dear Lord, please, answer me one thing? How did you do it? How did you not go insane? How did you fit all of this fore knowledge into your mind, without dieing in spirit? I fail to find words that would not reveal daubt in mankind. But i want to hope, because i do believe, i always have, and i have prayed for so long, for the churches to pass away. Perhaps this is another nail in that coffin? Thanks for listening, that awful wave has subsided a bit.

    A not so perfect human, in fear of the Fathers' wrath, and in Love with what i have realized to be His essence gifted through the woman. I once beckoned for death, now i never want to die. I pray my Love can lead to the benefit of many, i can't stop with just one person, surely others must benefit. I see the Newdawnrising, i know our Father comes with unimaginable infinance of change. I must do what i do, and pray i'm doing right.

    The woe to come haunts my dreams and has since i was small. I haven't always been able to deal with these dreams, but i continue learning how to do so. I have stopped shareing with many others, and find reluctance in continueing to speak about these dreams. I believe i have said enough to enough people. As those i have told now act different around me, and question how? How did i know?

    How does one explain? That "I didn't know, but the Lord knows He has been heard."

    Ah! Will be on the lips of all the Fathers children. The Pope shall go down with the church. Then in an instant the most incidious man will rise. Extremely soon, by autumn perhaps, society will be turned upside down and shaken. Seek the Lords shelter, and die with in it, it is the only way.

  2. Your dreams are given to you to express, you must express them, and not hold them within you. Start a blog, if you wish, or post them here and I will help you with them.

    There is a new forum and one of their top topics is Monsanto. Your background and experience with nature is very important. Go to CTCantina.

  3. Apart from that, during the week,the Lute of Lovingkindness said that there would be a response on Sunday. I have been invited out on Sunday. So keep your ears and eyes open for what happens.

  4. Today was my birthday. But i haven't the urge to celabrate. I woke up early, and went to work, not to work for the company, but to fix my own car. I've been in need of being alone to clear my mind. I was a wonderful day, and i got a lot done. Happy, but very conservative with not getting distracted. I steange quiet. :)

  5. I am also extremely tired, hence my miserable spelling. Not usually this tired. Sleep well Eli, i know will. :)

  6. I'll be alert for Sunday, but it starts here in a half hour. I forget that your several hours ahead. So i bid the Good Morning, and good night my Lady. :)

  7. I had a strange dream last night, it was a warning dream.I was outside. I saw a large spider and some other kind of animal it was carrying. The spider looked like a turantuala. It was coming towards me, then all of a sudden it turned into a scorpion and it jumped up to my bite my hand. Its pinchers took hold of my forefinger, that has the mount of Jupiter and the great star in my hand. The attack from the Scorpion woke me up. In dream interpretation, it is a warning about friends who are 'treacherous'. Scorpions are also biblical and it is has a timeline of five months. As we know there has just been G7. I did not sleep well, it was a restless night, I was also restless about the man that is full of love in the dream that I had a few weeks ago.

    1. I slept awful last night! Just when i would begin to relax i was jolted awake, with visions.

      Ow my .... The visions .... I've been crying on and off since i got out of bed. :(

      I must push past this, surely these visions are of use, if only to wake me further. :(

  8. I should have wished you a happy birthday Mitch. Your North Node is in Aquarius. No surprise then about the 'Farmers', and 'Angels of Change' post. Aquarius north node people, love to be in love. Jan Spiller, also shares with us that they have wonderful group karma.

    Their best qualities emerge to support solidify, and inspire, the groups of which are they are part. They are great networkers. So you see, your job is to bring the group together.

    It says that you have to release 'intensity and drama'.

    This is your healing song.

    Why do we prevent our own happiness
    By resisting the timing of life.
    Trying to decide what's wrong and what's right.
    With our foolish human minds.

    And the sun comes up each morning.
    And it goes down every night.
    And in the night, its the moon that comes.
    It never is the sun.
    There is system and order here.
    And its reflected all around.
    Why not trust in the laws of life.
    They never let us down!.

    Jesus said that I would receive a response on Sunday, after sunbathing I pondered on the man in the dream, and then suddenly the golden foot of Jesus arrived before me. I saw the energy with my eyes wide open, not just once, it appeared before me, three times.

  9. Also my friend and I were looking at the moon last night, we saw clearly that there was the face of a man in the moon, that man had his head covered.. I wish I could have taken a photograph of it.
