
Friday 27 June 2014


Its decades ago now, that I was sharing about the panoramic view. So it made me smile when I saw it featured in this video. It also speaks of one's life being like a film. However, there are many different types of films as we know. 

Some that l loved, and some that I never went to see, for obvious reasons. The video is called the 'Golden Key', and it reminded me of a mandala that I painted in 2012. When the mandala paint was spread, the key of life, was indeed in that location, with the holy mariner. 

However, the moment in time passed by, and the radiant hand that held the key of life, and the keys for healing consciousness, left that location. As Jesus said, in 2007, 'Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world'. America did try to silence yours truly. However, the world is much bigger than America. 

In 2012, I also had a dream about a film director. The man in the dream looked like a smarter version of Gary Ross, I have just looked in the archives, and there is another link to 'Santa Barbara' and the 'Hunger Games.'

The dream of the 'Film Director', as so much in it. I could give so much more explanation to it.

Yet what good would it do? It even mentions the Christians, and the importance of having the right script. A message was received during the dream. 'They are frightened'. The other message from the dream was 'I will have a protege every year'. I corrected the spelling in the first link, in the second link that mentions 'Gary Ross'.  

Having read the information in that dream again, I don't know whether to laugh or cry, due to the sheer amount of relevance to current events, and the sheer effort of yours truly. 

So what are the Christians 'frightened' of?

Jesus spoke of the magnanimous love and that they were afraid of it. 

However, in the 'Protege', link it mentions that the 'credibility and reputation is at stake'. So the real issue  is that people would rather keep their credibility and reputation, instead of disclosing truth to the world that can give freedom to humanity. 

Orthodox Christians, would rather go to war to defend their credibility and reputation, than embrace the freedom of the truth, that gives all humanity freedom from war. This happened in ancient times as well, men in England, sided with Rome, instead of taking the side of the spiritual in England.

Also the spiritual didn't all arrive in the right place at the right time; to unite in the strength of the heart and Spirit. And we all know what happened after that, millions of healers and spiritual people in Europe died due to the orthodox Christians. That's a good subject for the anthropologists, scholar Michael M. Maudlin liked sharing truth about that. Interesting that Kevin Annett also studied anthropology and wrote a book, 'Hidden No Longer'.

Remember what Jesus said, that we would disclose the truth in these last days of the end times and nothing would remain hidden. Yet, there are so-called Christians that are doing their utmost to stop the truth being revealed to the world. Simply due to the fact, Christians have lived in what Rome allowed them to live, and that did not bring freedom to humanity. For the truth of the real Christ teachings do bring true freedom to humanity. As Jesus said, 'The truth will set them free'. 

In 2007, he also said,  'Christianity was never born, it is still in the womb'. 

In the law of the prophets they're meant to defend and care for the widows and the fatherless children. Did they do so? No, what did any Christian ever do to help me or my son? Did they offer my son a job, or make sure that we had food on the table? No. Sometimes, I have to give my own life experience as an example to Christians, so that they can appreciate why judgement is upon them. 

Did they make sure that I had everything that was essential, and everything that was required of them? 

Did they make sure that the teacher of righteousness was supported, so that she could keep a roof over her head, and pay for overheads as the Christian texts command? Or did they enjoy the fact, that she and others had to beg? Did they make sure, that she could afford the right health treatments, or were they busy with their investments, stocks and shares? 

In the dream of the film director he looked like 'Gary Ross', the man that was in the recent 'Heart Dream', also looked like Gary Ross, and what was in his heart, do you remember? 

In the dream of the film director, it also mentions relationships, and how the film director knew that the relationship of another couple would not work out. When it didn't work out, everyone was aghast. The film director, had also put a symbol on the floor, a cryptic message, and the name of a woman in it. The film director wasn't in a relationship at the time,  so he was clearly planning something. Interesting that, there was also a star painting with a woman in it, prior to the santa barbara event. As far as I am aware, the father of the child involved in the santa barbara event, lived with his step-mother. It is also a fact that his Father worked on the film, 'Hunger Games'. 

So I shall say, come Buddha come, cos its not going to get sorted fast enough with the Christians. 


  1. In the dream received in 2012, there was a cryptic message and today it has been shown to me that a client that became a close friend, has passed over. We had known each other in many past lives, and the only way to describe David, is the 'perfect gentleman'. So compassionate, merciful and loving. Charitable as well. He was an MD of a charity, and he was working there when he first contacted me back in 2002.

    David knew who I was.

    His cryptic message is the fact that he hung himself on an oak tree, and that is how he passed over.

    I have read the information on the inquest, and it is clear that he was under tremendous financial pressure, and he did have a family, A wife and two sons.

    We hadn't spoken for a long time, due to the fact that I had given him the testimony of warning, that no Island was safe, and he and his family should leave where he was living, because the Island was not a safe place to be.

    It is with much sadness in my heart, that I share this news with you because he was a very special man, for his family, and also to all those that knew him, including me.

    He had been told prior to 2006, that he had to tell the world the truth, and he knew that in his heart. Yet, he never did step up to the plate. In this post it mentions 'credibility and reputation', that is a reason why people as sincere as David, often do not do so. Especially when there is family involved as well. David was the ind of man that always put his family first as much as possible.

    The fact that David took his own life, in October 2013, as 'universally shocked', everyone that had been blessed to know him.

    David knew all about my work and what I had been involved in. He knew the extent of the healing work, and also about the biblical prophecies. He was one of the credible businessmen, that people would have believed, if he had found his courage to put his name on the line.

    In my humble view, that is why he left the cryptic message on the oak tree. Because he knew about the acorns of love that grow into oak trees, he knew about the Christ vision that was given in 2004. He knew that there were acorns and the oak tree in the video that we provided to everyone.

    I wish that he had lived, for he was and is still truly loved.

    I wish that he had aligned his will with the will of God, and was still with us on the planet. I cannot bring him back, although I can see love him for the loving and graceful man that he once was.

    I never thought I would ever see the day that I would share this news, and he knows how I feel about it.

  2. It seems that David began to use a camera. This link is from 2012.
