
Tuesday 3 June 2014


Following on from the prophecy from Nostradamus about modern Memphis, (C10.Q79)  lets stay with the wonderful Isaac Hayes,  for a revival of listening to his exceptional music.

He brought out an album called, 'Black Moses', and our brothers and sisters of color, have certainly had a powerful impact on the direction of the people, engaging people to step on the path of love.

However, I would like to see more music engaging people to go that next step, into the power of sound for healing, the healing therapies and vibrational medicine.  For these times are not easy for many of the children of our nations, and the more healed they are, the easier it will be for them; to move through these last days of the end times. So many past lives, so much to know, and comprehend.

In scripture it is written that the people that Jesus saw in Spirit during the transfiguration, was Elijah and Moses. Hence, the connection between them is clearly important. In the song 'Good Love', from Isaac Hayes, he also sung about 'knocking on wood', that made me smile.  Due to the message received from the LORD when he said, 'Tap on Wood'. 

As we know the branch is also another Ace card. Although one could view it as the staff, that Moses carried due to card being made from the wood of the tree.  When my son and I were in Australia, he began to make staffs, he would sit and gently strip off the bark, and then paint them and decorate them.  People loved them, so we gave them to friends prior to leaving the country, after spending a year there.  Interesting that in 2012, I was compelled to spread the paint on paper and card. 

Isaiah 63, speaks of the 'glorious arm of power at the right hand of Moses'.

In the NT, it mentions how Peter offered to put up three shelters. 

One for Moses, one for Elijah, and one for Jesus. Matthew 17:3-5. 

However, were the shelters given?

In the book of Nehemiah, it mentions the Israelites living in temporary shelters during the festival of the 7th month. 8:14 and 2014 is a seven year. When my son and I moved into the place where we live, I was hoping that it was only a temporary shelter, and that we would be moving on. We have now been here for nearly 14 years. How time flies. 

A few years ago, the LORD did ask for a house for yours truly, so that his harp of righteousness could continue to do his will without any impact or concerns from the material world.  Did those that she was sent to help, provide for her? Did they provide what the LORD asked for? Jesus warned his followers  that they must do the Fathers will. Hence, they face the consequences. 

For Prophet Malachi predicted what would happen when Elijah came.  The Lord of the breakthrough did come, the testimony of warning was given, divine instructions and the divine will of the LORD was shared. The Spirit of Truth did arrive as predicted.  

The prophecy delivered by the Lute of Lovingkindness in respect of the next paraclete to come was fulfilled. She was summoned by the LORD, at the exact age that Jesus had predicted in the scriptures. 

Daughter Zion was sent to the USA, and she did return from it. Exactly, as Prophet Micah predicted that she would.  

King David also received revelation that a third instrument would come, and that it would be; the impact of the Lute of Lovingkindness, (day time) and the Harp of Faithfulness (night time) that would have a resounding impact on the third instrument.

Jesus spoke a lot about the 'entrusted one', he also spoke of the 'one that has received much', and that much would be asked of them.

So is it the case; that the 'one that has received much', is the third instrument? We will have to see what will unfold in the next phase of the 'unfolding of the divine plan'. 

Did they try to make Obama into a 'Black Moses', the ancient texts share with you, that Obama is the Pharaoh, and that includes the prophecy in the Qu'ran.  Ever read the prophecies of Zephaniah, and how the Virgin stood against Obama with 60 just ones? How afterwards she returns to her spiritual community of the children of light. 

Jesus predicted what would happen when the landowner sent his sons. The first was beaten, the second was killed, the third was stoned. Three generations of men, Joseph, Son of Joseph, and his son. Yours truly managed to save the widows son.

However, as Isaac Hayes sung, the best was saved till last. After it ended the way it did, with the three generations of Joseph, in the UK, he then sent his daughter Zion, and the scripture tells the people not to forsake wisdom. 'Do not  forsake wisdom for she will protect you. Love her and she watch over you'. Proverbs 4:6.

'I remember LORD your ancient laws and I find comfort in them'. 'Seven times a day, I praise thee for your righteous laws.' 'Great peace have those that love your law'. Psalm 119, reminds me of the heart of new dawn rising that posted again on this blog. Its no coincidence that the psalm mentions the path of purity, and the shedding of tears.

Salvation truly is at the gates of daughter Zion as prophecy predicts.

Interesting that my son keeps on kissing the crown of my head affectionately. Everyday he comes to where I am sitting, his head comes down upon mine, and he then kisses my crown. Just like the man that came in Spirit the other night. I would like to see his handwriting, due to the spiritual letter that I was sent earlier in the year. 

What do I find, the Brits have been singing about 'Kissing Gates' and this band is called 'Crowns'

The guys are from Cornwall in the South of England, and they sing mainly Cornish songs. 

I do love real Cornish ice cream, and clotted cream from Cornwall.

I do have more than one crown, I have what is known as a double crown.

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