
Saturday 14 June 2014


I was pondering on the karma of America while spreading the paint, and its an interesting painting, if you bear in mind, that after Obama won his first election, Oprah spoke of the USA becoming the color purple, in the news interview that followed.

There are only two colors in the painting, purple and gold, although in the scan the purple on the gold looks brown.  I can see a dolphin in the north, that has made a connection with someone else that looks like a rabbit. Sarah Palin was also born in the year of the rabbit. There are all sorts of energies in the painting, including the trunk of an elephant and children. I can also see the head of a beaver, lots of fish,  an owl and the scorpion.  It looks like something major is happening to do with American karma, in this year of the horse. Of course, it is the wooden horse, in a seven year of the spiritual teacher.

As the LORD said, 'Tap on Wood'.


14th June, 2014 

Original artwork, size A4.

So what is Sarah up to?

News is that Sarah Palin has threatened to leave GOP, unless Obama flies the abandoned children to Mexico. 

Sarah wrote on facebook:

'These thousands of hungry, innocent children rushing in through Mexico are just the tip of the Sedona Red Rocks (granted, some of these illegals are 18-year-old men whom you wouldn’t want to mess with, but, still, according to Obamacare we now dub young adults “children” until they’re 26, so…). Expect to see hundreds of thousands of another country’s children walk right through our welcoming open border, counting on America’s families to render all aid. We owe it to ourselves to be prepared – so, work even harder, working class, while our President uses his trustworthy discernment to redistribute your paycheck, because it IS for the children, after all. And it takes a village, don’t you know?'

Perhaps America should give back the land that it took from Mexico, now that would be good karma wouldn't it. As I wrote to Americans the other day, the world is much bigger than America, and Americans are outnumbered in the world, so they better start learning some humility fast. In this video an AZ senator, reads a letter from a teacher.

IMHV, Mexicans are Indians, as they were prior to European invasion.

We haven't had a planetary update from Ben lately, so the video.



02.13GMT News is that Rockefella Heir has died in a plane crash in New York.


  1. Candian Jordan McDonald, 30 year old, Horse Trials rider has passed over after a falling in Somerset at the Nunnery Horse trials. The incident happened at 13:30 in the energies of the honey moon. Jordan's horse, 'ONLY ME', a seven year old gelding was not injured.

  2. It looks like American orthodox Christians have got more money than common sense. As Jaws drop due to the monies involved in a Church heist in Houston. And Sarah Palin is complaining about immigrants being given health care.

    You can understand why Prophet Malachi speaks about the people robbing elohim in this timeline.

  3. In Nashville Tennesee it has been prooven that giving the homeless and destitute free apartments, actually saves tax payers money. 100,000 helped so far, with an 85% success rate. All started by a female US military veteran.

    Which is why i will never loose complete hope for the people of America. Some of us get it. :)

  4. Things are not as they may seem to countless in my country. Yet they don't even know the extent to this, if anythibg at all. It is so painful to watch Eli, sudden epiphanies are hitting everyone in my region. The past couple of months five of those who recall my warnings years ago, have now come asking for my forgiveness, and apologizing for treating me so badly. But i am not what they expected to find, i am to give them no more time.

    I am healing, gaining strength, and mindful to my last stance in the name of Love.

    Many in my region grow more panicky by the day. Something monumental is about to happen.

  5. Thank you for sharing Mitch, I am so glad you made it in time, and that you are healing. For the LORD wraps himself in the light. The power of love makes men strong inside, to face what is ahead of humanity.

  6. Double tornado's strike Nebraska. School,bank,church and homes.

    "It was like God dragged two fingernails across the the land," Gregg Moeller told the nearby Norfolk Daily News newspaper.


  7. This heart of wisdom warned the Christians about the boundary. In the same way that Jesus did.

    'You set a boundary that they cannot cross; never again will they cover the earth'. Psalm 104:9

  8. 31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” Luke 16

  9. I have been compeled to return to the madness, i didn't want to. I now however see the purpose. My words are causing an exodus of the good people from that place. I now speak to those friends of enemies i have kept very close. So now you know, that what my warrior is, is venomous in good intentions. For it is not me that would know how to do this. I have declared war upon the king of lies himself, as Lilith as been silenced. Words pour like rivers, and i struggle to hold on. So quickly the path winds lately.

    More hope for you Eli, i fight not for America, but for all the good with its tribes. Racoo is unleashed, next comes the tsunami. <3


  10. They were warned in advance what would happen if they took the next two steps. Jesus also warned them what would happen, if they stood against the Holy Spirit. Its not long now until the 6th July, the culmination of the Amsterdam 1,000 days prophecy and it getting bigger.

  11. Michael always used to say 'We will do our best, while they do their worst'

  12. I must admit that painting does look like it has a large raccoon in it. However, I am staying in the light of love.


  13. Rev 9:17, mentions the horses and this is the year of the horse. It also mentions how the heads of the horses, resemble heads of lions, and out of their mouths, comes fire, smoke, and sulphur. The breastplates of the riders have fiery red, dark blue, and yellow.
