
Sunday 18 May 2014


Its very unusual if I have a dream such as this, and it is a warning dream about parties. I was on my way home and a woman that I knew came out of a door, and asked me to come into her party. She was known as Jenny, e.g. Jennifer.

I sat down beside the woman that I knew, she was the only person at the location that I knew,  and there were lots of people there. The people at the party were being very 'uncivilized' and 'unfriendly' towards me, and it became evident that they were up to something.

Then all of a sudden a man grabbed hold of me, took me in his arms and began to touch me. He was physically stronger than I was (I'd never seen this man before) and with his hands, he was going where he had not been invited to go.

The man said, that he 'had to find out the truth, and the only way he was going find out the truth, was to examine my body'.  He was going, where no man should go, uninvited. Although I did have my clothes on. As Aristotle said, 'Men seek to know'. 

My response was FIERY, and as I let out my response, the dream evaporated in the power of my fiery response. The response was natural being that my Pluto is in Leo, and the opal is to do with the inspiration from the hara in response to sexual energies. As I wrote yesterday, it looks like its going to be a fiery summer. In real life, (last year) a woman asked me 'Are you angry', I responded no, I am righteous!



Original artwork, A4. 

This warning dream includes the following aspects:

1. A door, make sure you know what doors you are walking into, and the reasons why. What is your intention, do you accept every invitation to please others? How about the person that asked you to come through that door? What was their intention?  Ask them why? In dream interpretation, doors can be to do with opportunities. However, what kind of opportunity are you inviting into your life, if that door leads to a party? Do you know what you might find there?

2. Parties, those with plenty of life experience, know that parties and the energies of the people differ.  If you are a female on your own, then make sure you know more than one person at any party, you decide to attend.

In dream interpretation, parties can indicate mixed fortunes, with different people. Especially, if there is a lot of people there that you don't know. Remember this, a private party, is different to a party held in a public place. In some ways, a party in a public place can be safer than a private party, it depends what the party is about and where. Location, location, location!

There are a lots of parties in public places being planned this year, and I have highlighted the ones in Holland and in Vienna.  Earlier in the year, the music festivals and events were also highlighted in the USA and we all know what happened there.

With Pluto coming to its climax and conclusion this year, being conjunct with Saturn, the teacher, since 2003, its bound to be major in 2014.


3. The male energy is physically stronger than a woman, as such, the feminine are to be pre-warned of how to deal with any eventuality.  All girls should be taught some self-defence. Although even self-defence couldn't help the children in Nigeria, when a man has guns. Nor did it help the innocent 17 year old child at a party in England, that died due to a knife wound.


4. Examination, men like to examine a woman's body, in the dream, he did not have permission to do so. Permission and consent is essential. Its also a matter of trust, and who you trust.  Who is worthy to touch your body? Do you even consider it? Who has the authority to examine your body?  Were you given the opportunity to explore their heart first, their motives and intentions?

5. Fiery, its OK for a woman to be fiery and fiesty, to defend herself, and her sanctuary, the temple of her being. Be sure you know who is coming into your auric space, because what is in their energy, can impact on your energy. Hence, the importance of the incense for checking and cleansing the auric fields. Do you even know how big your auric field is?

6. The name Jenny, is related to Arthurian legend. Jenny and her friends wished to know the truth, she was searching, just like the knights of the round table were searching in the legend. In this case, being 'captured', in a dream can relate to being surrounded at a party, e.g. being 'outnumbered'.

In dream interpretation, being taken 'captive', can suggest 'tension', and 'overstrain', being in a tense situation due to what is happening to you, due to what others do.  Remember the Serenade Ballet? In real life, when Jenny was given truth, she didn't wish to hear it! She had a lot of self-healing to do. Only ask if you are ready to receive, and value the response. Then honor it, and act upon it.


7. Motives, are they pure in their intention? Are you? Have you explored your own heart? Do you have the keys to your own heart and all the gates within it? Did you find the keys, or were you given them divinely?

8. The Spirit of Truth is for those that live truth. The Spirit is for those that honor the being as sacred, just as the body should be honored as sacred, do you honor your own body as sacred? Dreams can be given as warnings,  prophetic,  to assist and prepare people for what is ahead, and could be coming towards you.

They can also be given to impart teaching, that result from the dream interpretation and its actions. Sometimes they are for healing consciousness, sometimes they are warnings for humanity. It is up to you to know, if and how the dream relates to your own life experience, how that life experience can help others.


If there is a moral to the dream, then it is usually, a warning. So what was the moral of the dream? It was about motives, and intention of the people at the party, towards a person that was innocent in their purity.  Do you remember the herald, the appointed time, and the delivery of the biblical Hab 2 prophecy interpretation? Maybe those reading this blog post, should read it again, due to the prophecy discussing the intentions.


9.  Remember wisdom is earned, and it has a cost! 'Wisdom will be proven right by HER words', wisdom will be proven right by HER actions'.


Do you know where the Pluto of your children is? How about your own?

Pluto in Leo by Robert Wilkinson 

'As Leo is the sign of the Fixed Fire of the Heart, and Pluto is said to be "exalted" in that sign, that generation has the power of heart, love, creativity, and joy of natural self-expression. When used wisely, that position expresses the power of Divine Transformation using purified heart energy creatively and precisely'.

Last but not least, the 18th May, is the 'Day of Activity'. 

The testimony of warning has been delivered as ordained. Isaiah 8.


Just seen this article, very appropriate for this timeline.

Although there are reasons and seasons.


  1. Post from March, 'Spiral Galaxy Torn Apart' and it was posted in the public domain at the time.

    Just read the news, that a male Danish moderator from the CT community as passed over rather quickly with cancer. While reading about it, I was given spiritual law. My best memory of Galaxy was the start of the herring season, we both like herring, and I have been eating some this week. Interesting that Galaxy was involved in my announcement thread and he did nothing about those that transgress the spiritual law and the forum guidelines. It seems it was one law for others and different one for yours truly. Just like the man in the warning dream.

  2. It is never easy to share this news after I have received a warning dream.

    Two students have gone over the top of a balcony in the UK while at a party at Knights Tower at Deptford.

    That also links in with the LORD speaking about the 'Forlorn Knights'.
