
Friday 23 May 2014

Voters Dying Breed

Well as predicted the 'Green Party' did not make a shift in the local elections. They only retained two seats. UKIP gained 81 seats giving them 82. Well done to UKIP. The Lib Dems -52, Conservatives,
-83. Labor increased its number of seats, but is minus a council! Tories are -7 and the NOC +8 giving them 13 overall.

So basically, the local councils are still run by the two groups of Labor and Conservatives, and that goes back to what I was sharing about the book of Genesis, and the two groups that were created by Jacob.

So even after all of those floods in the south earlier in the year, its clear that the environment is still not an issue for the Brits. Nor is leaving the EU an issue, otherwise there would've been far greater numbers voting for UKIP. From personal experience, I am fully aware that most Brits don't know what happens to the British funding to the EU, you have to see it with your own eyes, and hear it with your own ears, before you become righteous about leaving the EU.

I wonder how many of the voters in the council elections have actually looked at the report and accounts of their local council. Or whether they know that the local councils are run as a business, and that most of the council tax goes to central government.  Did the voters look at the borrowings of their local council, and the interest that residents are paying for council activities. Did you give your authority for that borrowing, and the interest that you're all paying?

Where is your common sense Brits?

'Again and again it is being shown that the private-for-profit corporate councils are implementing government policies which are driving the inhabitants of counties into poverty, by demanding payments for 'services' where no real services have been provided, or where the level of Public Service is pathetic and inadequate'.

So no real change in the local councils, did we really anticipate any? No, that is why I refuse to vote or register to do so. I shall not vote for any status quo, especially one, where the pentecostal Church Christians say they've got it all covered, and Christians in the parishes can swing the vote from one side to other. Whenever they choose to do so.

So is it the color blue and red for the two different parties, no, its more like blue and brown. Remember Brown and over 100 stealth taxes? England, still paying taxes from cradle to grave to the Romans?

What did you do about it Brits? Keep on voting for the same realities? No wonder, many of the younger generation, don't vote. My son is 31 years old, and he has never voted in his life. I am sure that there are many more of his generation, that have never been to the polls. How do the politicians feel about that? The voters are a dying breed, just like the nations orthodox Christians.

Its extinction or recovery Brits.

Are you ready for spiritual renewal and transformation of morality?

When will you be ready for serious change, and upright justice for our people and children?

Yahweh was right, 'Politics is the bane of your life'. That's why voters are a dying breed, the people are dying just like the NHS.

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