
Monday 12 May 2014


A spokesperson for the Vatican,  Cardinal Giorgio Salvadore officially announced that 'Yashua, will not return' and it was published on the examiner website on the 2nd of May, 2014.  The 2nd May, is the 'Day of Observation'. He makes the following points:

1. At the last supper that Jesus may have been drinking. He rationalized that 'people make promises that they can't keep when they're drunk!.' Are they serious, maybe the Church is describing how it was when they selected what books the people were allowed to see.

Remember this in the gospels that the Vatican provided, the gospels don't match, they clearly couldn't make up their mind, whether it was six days or eight days, ponder on that. So how then can we accept what the Church provided as fact, when the historical facts as written in the gospels do not agree with each other?

2. This years 1,981st anniversary is to be the Vatican's last in regards to waiting for the Lord to return to Earth. Of course, they don't tell you that Jesus referred to all of the Apostles as Lords.

3. The discussion discusses the 'time' and what he meant by in 'a  little  while'.  They claim that the scripture was talking about returning in the first century. Maybe he was telling them a little person would come for a while, and they should re-look at their translations. Did Giorgio forget to mention the timing of the sign of Jonah arriving in Israel, the Queen of the South, and the judgement? Did they forget to mention daughter Zion arriving in the last days of the end times? How about the psalms where it tells you that salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion?

4. Then he discusses the 'Son of Man' to come prophecy.  When in fact, 150 biblical scholars at the Jesus Seminar, and Geza Vermes have already written about the fact that when Jesus spoke of the 'Son of Man' to come in the future he was not speaking of himself. As I have explained previously, the term 'Son of Man', is a term of endearment for a prophet. That is why Daniel and Ezekiel were both referred to as 'Son of Man'. People with basic common sense, who can read, know that.

5. He then cites Isaiah 19:1 'The Lord rides on a swift cloud and will come into Egypt'. As we know, in the earliest Christian text it mentions how the Apostles, and Prophets that Jesus trained were all called Lords.  How does one ride on a swift cloud? Easy on an plane. Joseph, coat of many colors, also predicted that a person would come in his name, Moses spoke of the blessing of the Bush being given to the family of Joseph. Biblical prophecy also mentions the tribes of Joseph.  Yours truly as been to Egypt twice. The first time for nine days, the second time for seven.

King David was given a revelation,  and was told that three different instruments would come. In my humble view, Jesus was clearly, the person that came at daytime, the Lute of Lovingkindness.  He was predicted second and came first.

Hence, Isaiah 19, is probably indicating the second instrument, the Harp of Faithfulness, the second paraclete that Jesus predicted would come. Jesus predicted that a person would come to give testimony for him, and the testimony given by the one, should be spread across the world. Indeed it was, I gave testimony for him. Although at the time, I was not aware that scripture predicted that I would do so. Entirely innocent in the joy.

6. It then mentions ancient Jerusalem and the clouds again. He doesn't mention the prophecy about being recorded in the records of Israel, of course, flight records, are records and so are photographs. Yours truly was sent on two different missions to Israel.

Of course, there is also the scroll of remembrance that was given in Israel to yours truly, that relates to the second instrument that came at night time, as was promised first mentioned by King David. You don't hear the Vatican speak of that do you?  Nor do  you hear them speak of the herald that would come at the appointed time, with the revelation interpretation of the Hab prophecy.

7. He then explains that the first coming was Jesus the man in humility. The second coming is the divine presence, as the glory of God in Spirit. Do you mean to say that the Vatican are saying that Jesus was just a mortal man? How can that be so, when his divine presence as appeared before so many different people in the world, including myself. How can that be so, when he has spoken to so many of us? Yes, the one known as Jesus was in the body of a mortal man, flesh and blood man, and still had a divine presence. The fact, that he appears before us, as ordained by the Father, means that his Son is immortal. Remember he repeated the Jewish prophecy, the old heavens and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

8. Now the Vatican doesn't address the book of Revelation at all, or the fact that lots of people are mentioned in it, along with Jesus. Perhaps the Vatican would like to address that, as they provided it in the first place.

There is also an important woman mentioned in the book, and they have frescos of ELIAKIM holding her son, in the Sistine Chapel. Time to sort it out guys! The single parent mum arrived, the fruit of the lips! As Jesus predicted, 'Wisdom will be proven right by HER actions, wisdom will be proven right by her words'. Did you forget the feminine guys? Its time for the Vatican to dissolve, for as the Isaiah prophecy predicts, 'peace will be your governor, and well-being your ruler'.

The governor arrived!

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