
Sunday 4 May 2014

Valentine Saints

While spreading the paint I was picking up on 'Valentine' and the 'Saints'. The name 'Valentine' derived from 'valens' and it means 'worthy', 'strong' 'powerful', and there were many people with the name Valentine.

In my heart the most well known is 'Valentinus', a knower, known for his genius and eloquence.  It is written that he was born in the Nile delta and was educated in Alexandria. Reports about his work claim that he followed the esoteric teachings of Paul. Ultimately, he withdrew from Rome and went to the Island of Cyprus, where he continued to teach.

In 1945, the Nag Hammadi library surfaced in the desert where it had been buried. Amongst the ancient writings they found the 'Gospel of Truth'.

Much was said and written about Valentinus. However, how much of it was truth?

It is written that it was Valentinus that spoke of the 'three natures', of  'Father, Son and Holy Spirit'. Although it had already been spoken about by Plato and there is Platonic philosophy in the teachings of Jesus in the scripture. Some of the early followers also embraced and taught, 'God the Father, Sophia the Mother, and Logos the Son'.

No surprise then that in the NT we find that Jesus predicted how 'Wisdom will be proven right by HER actions'. Wisdom will be proven right by HER words'. He clearly exalted wisdom beyond himself. Now it is up to humanity to comprehend the reason why he did so.

Ponder on how a child is conceived in natural creation, and there is a revelation.

The mother is essential to give birth to new life, and he prayed for humanity to experience new life, and a new way of being, that would live in freedom, that is beyond the reality of Rome and its supporters.

This is the 22nd post in May, and 22 is a master number of the Angels, charity and leadership.  

It is also the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet. A coincidence?

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