
Friday 30 May 2014



30th May, 2014

Size A4

Pretty colors, pink and turquoise.  

There are certain things, that a heart can never understand,
due to the true nature of the heart. 
The heart is like the innocence of a child, 
that asks its mother, why is there a war?
People can rationalize and reason,
in every season. 
Yet, they still carry on as before the Tor. 

While I dream of walking on the seashore, 
holding hands with the children of the poor.  
I look at the sun and bright blue sky,
drifting along, leaving the past behind.

For the new horizon awaits and the new to find. 
Precious gems of every kind.
The beautiful silence is like a chime that sings. 
A breath in the still air, holding a care to share. 
With everything fair, for the perfect pair. 

Rose blossoms and petals too.
Laid at your feet, and upon a sheet, that says live.
For you I keep, like a tender lamb among the sheep.
Why Meryl Streep, why?

The reason that the name of Meryl Streep is mentioned in the poem.
 the LORD spoke her name as I was writing.   

I've just noticed that in her forthcoming film, 'The Giver',
there is a new young Israeli that stands up to Meryl Streep who is an elder.

Wisdom shakes her head.  

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