
Sunday 25 May 2014

Ukraine Charlie Chocolate

While I was reading the news on the Telegraph website on the lady in Bali, Yahweh said, 'Charlie'. Now that is the street name for 'Cocaine'.

However, Charlie was also in the film about Chocolate and the Chocolate king, Petro Poroshenko is preparing for the presidency in Ukraine.  Do you remember  Russell Brand at the 2012 British Olympics?

In the message that 'One of God' received, he mentions the 'red sea of carpathia'. I just looked to see what there is on that name.

There is a volcanic mountain range that goes across Central and Eastern Europe with the name of "Carpathia". In recent days, there has been news that the European Bison are back in Europe, in Romania. So maybe there is going to be some shaking of the land related to this volcanic mountain range.  However, they are also called the 'Green Pearl of the Ukraine', and as we know, Russia has been busy there.

There is also "Carpathia Gold Inc' and, there is the 'Carpathian sheepdog',  the 'Carpathian Ensemble' musicians in Pittsburg,  USA'.

Then there was the boat that tried to rescue people from the Titanic.

Ukraine hockey stadium on fire.  

1 comment:

  1. Update

    Helicopter, shot down, and 14 people were on board.
