
Wednesday 21 May 2014


The configuration of the grand cross, lunar and solar eclipses have certainly been powerful, and Saturn the teacher is conjunct with everyone's pluto that began in 2003,  the year of the first harmonic concordance, the time when the angels and the spiritually elect came together around the world, for the engagement with God. 

It was bound to be a spiritually transformational time, in the 2014 year of the horse. The power of seven energies that kicked off in 2005, are now bringing forth its rewards, combined with the transformation that began in 2003. 

 The blue lotus of transformation,  surrounded in the love energies of Christos.  The blue lotus, a symbol  of virtue, discipline and purity. It is written that in 'Buddhist lore in Sri Lanka, this flower  has one of the 108 auspicious signs found on Siddhartha's footprint. It is said that when Buddha died, lotus flowers blossomed everywhere he had walked in his lifetime'. Its otherwise known as the 'Star Lotus'.


Do you remember that we gave the race card back to them?

Chinese Gardens, Sydney, Australia. 
Just before the new millennium began, and we returned to the UK 

Mr McKenzie told the BBC: "They've diminished the meaning of racism. They've taken away the meaning of racism, which is a very potent subject."

Due to the importance of recent dreams, and instructions received therein, I've been compelled to revisit the internet community although briefly. This song reminds me of the glass blog post, and the glass mentioned in the book of Revelation. I haven't had an appetite in the last week or so, I haven't been eating, that is always a sign of what is happening on the planet. 

Let's carry on, talking about the joy. 

The reasons to be cheerful.

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