
Saturday 17 May 2014


In the night I had another dream. There was another woman in the dream and she was going to a different location like Australia and New Zealand and she wasn't coming back. I was also going to a similar location, but I was only going for about a week, and then returning. It was something to do with beautiful large gems, rocks, and they were a royal blue color like sapphires and the amazing opals that come from Australia.  These gems were so large, they were bigger than my hands. In Australia the best of these gems are more expensive than diamonds.


All paintings on this blog are originals, A4 in size. 

Then in the next part of the dream there was a man, a very large, tall man. It was a man that I recognized immediately, and he was full of love for me.

There was also another man in the dream, an older man and he said,  'You must explain everything to him'. 

I then walked towards the man of love, and put my hand on his heart, and I began to talk to him,  then he hugged me. Finally, we were together.  It was very peaceful and calm, it was a silent knowing, that it was right in the heart. After the dream, I accepted  that there is a very strong connection between this man and I.

In dream interpretation if you dream of a man it can relate to the family, and due to the love, it augars wellness. To dream of sincere love, is a forecast of happiness, contentment and intelligent adjustment to the conditions of life.

To dream of opals indicates a season of unexpected good luck, and it is intensified, if they were fire opals.  To dream of rocks in the form of gems can also be a sign of change, sapphires are to do with influential friends.

The opals can also be found in Nevada in Virgin Valley. This video is about the 'Royal Peacock Opal Mine'.

Interesting that I was sent to two countries that have these opals during my life. I did go to Australia and I did go to the USA.

In gem essences, this opal relates to the planet Pluto, it brings forth higher inspiration from the level of the hara.

Funny, in the news there is a story about a man and his dog Pluto, in Philadelphia. The dog was 'stuck in mud' for three days. 'Pluto's owner said, 'We feel very fortunate indeed that you are there and always quick to respond, skilled and compassionate.'

Astrologer,  Robert Wilkinson, explains what is going on with Pluto in this timeframe.

'As I mentioned in that article, Saturn has been and will be conjunct the Plutos of everyone on Earth from 2003 through 2014. This affects entire generations, and sets into motion major changes restructuring our lives at fundamental levels.  

My Pluto is in Leo. 

'As Leo is the sign of the Fixed Fire of the Heart, and Pluto is said to be "exalted" in that sign, that generation has the power of heart, love, creativity, and joy of natural self-expression. When used wisely, that position expresses the power of Divine Transformation using purified heart energy creatively and precisely'.

Original artwork, A4, title of painting, 'Faithfulness'.  

No surprise, then that I put my hand on his heart, when speaking to the man in the dream. It connected the communication from one heart to another's heart, for divine transformation. It signifies a heart to heart, because there is a heart energy centre in our hands. When you put your hand on the heart of another, the heart connection is created, in this way, the hearts of both can be felt, and the heart energy can flow appropriately and harmoniously, the way that it is meant to do.  

Touch is important for the heart connection, and for people to comprehend it fully.  The hand of a female healer,  a miracle worker, was placed upon his heart. So it was an important aspect of the dream, as far as communication is concerned. 

In spiritual symbology, putting your hand on the heart of a person, can also indicate a divine blessing. It can indicate the transmission of divine power, of Spirit and justice. To lay your healing hand on to another, can also indicate transference of power, love, grace and healing to another. 

In Buddhism, the hand is symbolic of protection, with the palm upwards, it indicates, unlimited giving.  The right hand of the bodhisattva touches the earth.  In Christian symbology, it is the power and might of God and it can also indicate favor. In Judaism, the right hand, is 'the right hand of the majesty on high.  In Hinduism, it is symbolic of peace and protection. 

In biblical prophecy we also find the importance of the heart.  

'The Lord your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul, and live.' Deu 30:6 

While I was painting the opal mandala for the man in the dream, I was given the words, 'Nepal', 'Milk, and 'Ballet'. Nepal, indicates a person that is a little shy, and ballet is to do with a graceful dance.  It describes the gentleness of the movement. This person likes success, can be overly ambitious, like a ballet dancer that can over do it.  Intent on equality, justice, and balance of home and work.

A true Jew is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law; rather, it is a change of heart produced by God's Spirit. And a person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people. Romans 2:29 NLT  The word 'Theos'  translated as God, actually means the divine,  it can mean 'god', or goddess'. 

Hence, it is those that have the divine Spirit and live a godly life. It is the godly that can bless a heart, that is why the biblical prophecies spoke about changing the hearts of the people when Elijah came to do it. The Spirit of Truth, to turn their hearts to the children, and what must be explained. 



Bless, a young ballet dancer at the Nepal embassy in Moscow.

It could indicate that the origin of the word 'Opal', does indeed come from the Sanscrit word, 'Upala'.  It is written that it first appears in Roman references in 250BC. 

In 2008, NASA also said that deposits of Opal had been found on Mars.

Some more info on Opal Rocks, otherwise known as boulder opal.  "Boulder opal" is a term used for a rough or a cut gemstone that displays opal within its host rock.  Opal often forms within voids or fractures in its host rock and specimens of boulder opal reveal this aspect of opals origin. The contrast of color can be striking when a bright flash of opal is seen within the surrounding rock material. Many people enjoy the natural appearance of boulder opal and find these gemstones to be beautiful, interesting and educational'.  


  1. I wondered why I had this dream on the 17th May. Just looked at the moon calendar and it's in Capricorn.

  2. What else is going on with OPALS?

    There is Tommy Opals Swansong in British Baseball. He signed from Haverhill Blackjacks with a 13-9 win at home to Kent Mariners.
    Courtesy of the Cambridge News, 20 hours ago.

    Black Opal Cosmetics celebrates 20 years of make-up. Leaders for women of color.

    2 hours ago, Opal Normal Speakman aged 97, widow of Asa Burnett Speakman passed over. featured in the Columbia Daily Herald.

  3. Opal Creek, Oregon.

    Let's begin with Opal Creek, the Willamette National Forest gem that is near and dear to the hearts of so many Oregonians. It took a mighty struggle to get Opal Creek protected, but it happened in 1996, one of the crowning achievements of the late-Sen. Mark Hatfield's 30-year career in the U.S. Senate. No one would say he was always perfect when it came to protecting wilderness, but he delivered the goods with Opal Creek.

  4. Now while I was painting the boulder opal mandala, I was given the word 'milk'. What's in the news? Connecticut, and will they ban chocolate milk in schools?

  5. So what else do we have on the ballet?

    Royal Ballet: Sweet Violets/Serenade/ DGV review – from ecstasy to agony.

    Royal Opera House, London.

    Joy is hard to sustain when fate is fickle and Jack the Ripper is waiting in the wings in the Royal Ballet's triple bill.

    Luke Jennings
    The Observer, Sunday 18 May 2014

    Easy does it: Marianela Nuñez, centre, in the Royal Ballet’s Serenade. Photograph: Tristram Kenton.

    Serenade was first performed in 1934 at White Plains, New York by students of the fledgling School of American Ballet. It was George Balanchine's first work with American dancers, and as well as being one of the best loved of his ballets, is a work of resonant significance. It represents the moment at which the choreographer's Russian heritage – the lost world of the great imperial ballet theatres – found shimmering new expression in the west. The curtain rises on 17 young women standing in diagonal lines, illuminated by moonlight. They are costumed in long, pale blue ballet skirts, with their right arms raised. As one, to the opening bars of Tchaikovsky's Serenade for Strings in C Major, they execute a formal port de bras. It's as if they're taking the past into themselves, even as they embody the future.


  6. It is written that Nepal was named after a sage that meditated. The locals say that his name was either 'Ne', or 'Nemuni'.

    It looks like we have a past life connection with India.

  7. However, there are other historical facts to consider.

    Meaning behind the name Nepal Hindu historians have written a fictitious story about a sage named Nemuni and have derived the name of Nepal from him, and on the way to Pokhara, there is a cave near Damauli. They (Hindus) spread the rumor that it was the cave of a sage named Vyas, the author of Vedas, Narharinath, one of those so called-Hindu historians of Nepal has that licensed to misguide out people. The word Nepal was actually derived from a Tibetan word nebal. It has ben noted in Tibetan and Chinese historical statements that the Tibetan rulers of 7th and 8th centuries were very powerful and had brought Nebal, Shensi, Urumtsi and Kuncha under their domination. Kathmandu's ancient name was Nebal. In 8th century, Jayapide, a King of Kashmir, invaded Nebal and became a captive of the local ruler Armudi. Armudi was a Tibetan name. Suniti Kumar Chatterji, the Chairman of the Asiatic Society and a professor at the Calcutta University in India, has verified this historical fact. In the Tibetan language Nepal means "a house of wool" (27-28).

  8. The thank you, holy kiss.

  9. Volcanic ash cloud from Indonesia, impacting on Australian flights.


  10. More on the rock dream, 30 Rock Star in crash in New Jersey.

    In the last 48 hours I was sharing Tracy Chapman songs.

  11. Rock cave rescue drama in Germany.

  12. Smash and grab at the Dorchester in London.

  13. Smash and grab at Mappin and Webb in London.

  14. I was just about to post this and the heavenly Father said 'Hard Rock Cafe'
    and that reminds me of Hyde Park corner, in London.

    Psalm 114 mentions 'Jordan turning back. Why was it, sea, that you fled? Why, Jordan, did you turn back? Why, mountains, did you leap like rams, you hills, like lambs? Tremble, earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the elohiym of Jacob, who turned the rock into a pool, the hard rock into springs of water.'
