
Saturday 3 May 2014


This blog is now one year old, and it seems much longer than that since it began. It has received 26,800+ views in that time span with most of the viewers coming from the USA, UK, Russia and China being in the four top slots. I must admit I was surprised to see the Ukraine in the list of countries viewing the blog, and Iraq is listed also.

I have been spreading the paint again this night, and the mandala above is for David. It reminds me of a glass window pane with flames of love all around it. Like a window in a castle or stately home in a diamond shape. A square ruby, with a decorative heart and cross motif. It feels right to say, the heart of England, two hearts beat as one. After 13 years of active service, on the internet in different communities, its now time for the younger generation to move forward into the front line.

It will be fascinating to see what happens next in my own life, as I now move forward into a new and different reality that awaits me. 

Earlier this evening, I saw a vision of people celebrating the 10th anniversary of something special. So many anniversaries, many celebrations, and reasons to be cheerful.

I came across this old post tonight and it includes messages and visions that were received in August, 2010. The post mentions 'David', it also mentions 'Gym'. It mentions an 'Earth Shift', and I was receiving a lot of messages at that time to do with the forthcoming tsunami that happened in Japan early in 2011. Interesting that it wasn't until 2013, that I connected with a person that has the avatar name 'Gym', it was due to an event in America, that was predicted the night before, that brought us close.

It mentions the 'health visitor' and I had reflexology in 2013 with an ex- health visitor that I had met for the first time. It also mentions the dance.  So it seems that the visions and message were far reaching right into 2014.

Blessings in abundance, to all that truly connected in the heart with yours truly. As we know, the truth will set them free. Love beyond measure.


21st May, 2014.


Due to recent dreams, I've been compelled to revisit the internet community, and this song reminds me of the glass blog post and the glass mentioned in the book of Revelation. I haven't had an appetite in the last week or so, that is always a sign of what is happening on the planet.

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