
Saturday 10 May 2014

Jesus 'Unhappiness'.

In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus mentioned the words happy and happiness the most, he was teaching his followers how to become happy, and how to find it within by healing the self, Yet, this amazing spiritual teacher, also knew great unhappiness, due to what he had been summoned to do and say.

Therein is a true paraclete when the truth that sets them free, is so powerful, that others do their utmost to silence you.  Freedom to be who you are born to be, in the true nature of that which was anointed to be so. Yes, that's upright, the Lute of Lovingkindness called them out, and did Buddha, so did I,  as sent to do, in righteousness of the spiritual law.

In John 11:35 he wept. In Matthew 26:38 'Then he said to them, 'My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay and keep watch with me'. The same is found in Mark 14:34. In John 11:33, he is deeply moved in spirit and troubled by the weeping of the Jewish people. Now my soul is troubled, what shall I say?  'Father, save me from this hour? No, for this very reason I came to this hour John 12:27.

Like the Lute of Lovingkindness felt about Israel during the day, daughter Zion felt about America during the night time.  For a person that has known such great joyful spiritual happiness in their lifetime, to experience 'overwhelming sorrow' due to another nation and its people, is truly difficult to accept. I am sure that people will wonder, how can a person be so peaceful and yet, at the same time, feel the sheer power of 'unhappiness' that Jesus felt, due to what the people did and do.

When chosen by God to be his vessel, his instrument for his will to be done, one does so with all your heart and soul, just like Jesus did.  If Americans truly comprehended the 'sorrow' that America has brought to the souls of the people from so many nations, maybe they could find it in their hearts, to find compassion and mercy for themselves and others. The tent cities that exist in America, are a biblical prophecy. How happy are you about that? Do you celebrate the tent cities in your churches, congress and congregations?

In all our hopes and dreams for humanity, united in our spiritual work together, he knew that he would be with me, to help me through. And help me through he did. We did our utmost to help Americans to transform the American way of causing sorrow to others, into the truth of the Lute of lovingkindness;; and the love that he chose, the trustful loyalty of the harp of righteousness.  The teacher thereof, that gave divine testimony for him as prophecy predicted.  However, Isaiah 8 explained what happened, and it instructs the people to seek the testimony of warning, even now.

Christians warned to leave America

The time will come, when Americans will be on their hands and knees, begging for forgiveness. For America and Americans, shall intimately experience the 'unhappiness and sorrows' that it has caused other nations with its 'executions'.  Remember when Julian Assange shared the film footage of the America military?

We cannot turn the clock back America, what is done, is done, you received many warnings in advance, to review where you were coming from. Each and every individual, have choices in life, and America made its choice when it elected, and re-elected Obama and Bush.

To those Americans that comprehend deeply that which I share, and the reasons why, salutations on high. The prayers of the saints have been received. As we know there are saints in every nation, just like there are healing angels in every nation.

And what of England? Another fire, on the 10th May, this time in Green Lane,  Dagenham, East London.  Over 80 firefighters called to the scene.  The news report shares that 'nobody was injured' and six people have been evacuated.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good follow-up post for this.

    'Power of Love or Bane of Life'
