
Thursday 1 May 2014


Isaiah 53 mentions the intercession, and it has been proven by biblical scholars, that Isaiah 53 is not about the one that Christians call Jesus. The book of Timothy mentions intercession again, and it asks that the people be able to live peaceful and quiet lives, in all godliness and holiness. 1 Timothy 2:1-3 

However, as we know, and it has been proven, that some people do not wish to live in a peaceful, quiet, godly and holy way. What does David Cameron or Obama know about how people become peaceful, quiet, godly and holy? 'How long will they be incapable of purity?' Hosea 8:5 

As Prophet Isaiah predicted, 'Peace will be your governor, and well-being your ruler'. Isaiah 4 mentions the branch that would come and it mentions the women of Zion. The prophecy speaks of a Spirit of judgement and a Spirit of fire, and that relates to the energy of Elijah.  Eli Ziyyon.

No surprise then that the judgement began in 2010, after the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel. Exactly as Jesus in the scriptures predicted. In the Obadiah prophecy Jacob is the fire, and Joseph is the flame. 

My ascendent sign is also a fire sign, and you become your fire sign after the age of 40. I can smell incense in my room, it smells lovely, great confirmation about the smoke in the prophecy. The branch was described as being beautiful, glorious and the fruit of the land. No surprise then, that the fruit of the lips is also mentioned in Hosea 14. 

Joshua Aaron sings for intercession.

David Cameron is asking for British Christians to become evangelical, as more and more people are leaving the Churches. David Cameron and the rest of the politicians didn't keep their agreements with the people over their pensions, what makes him think, he would keep to his agreements with the godly?

Did the Sons of Light support yours truly and the divine plan?

How about the divine intervention? 

Did they do what was asked of them?

Did the Sons of Light put clothes on my back when I had none?

Did they give me food when there was no money to buy any?

Did they give me money to pay the bills?

Did they feed me?

Did they give me healing when they were asked for it?

Did they massage my body when they were asked to do so?

Did they come to my aid when they were called?

Did they give me a place to live freely?

Did they provide a home for yours truly?

Did they do the will of the LORD?

You may be wondering how my right arm is doing.

April 2014

'It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory; it was your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face, for you loved them.' Psalm 44:3

"Your arm is endowed with power; your hand is strong, your right hand exalted." Psalm 89:13 

"Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him." Psalm 98:1

"My righteousness draws near speedily, my salvation is on the way, and my arm will bring justice to the nations. The islands will look to me and wait in hope for my arm." Isaiah 51:5

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