
Tuesday 6 May 2014

Incense and the 7th Seal

It was a year ago, 6 May, 2013, that I wrote about smelling the incense energetically. I also wrote on the blog last week that I could smell the incense again while I was painting.

To smell the incense as a spiritual experience, in biblical prophecy it means that the prayers of the saints have been received. Psalm 141, 'I call to you, Lord, come quickly to me; hear me when I call to you. May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.' That reminds me of a vision I was given of a hand coming up to meet mine. This is what was written in 2010. 

HAMSA VISION  'Then I was given a vision of the Hamsa with the fingers facing upwards. The Hamsa is symbolic of the hand of God and in the past Abba said to me 'This must be your AVATAR'. However, the vision of the Hamsa in the past was with the fingers facing down with flames coming from it'.  . 

So we now have visions of two Hamsa, one facing up and one facing down. Like putting two hands together.'  

This painting is for Gym.

Who was the first responder when the 'kilowatt' message was delivered.  

A man who has been in hospital also posted that he had received a message from Yahweh about the seventh seal being opened, and how it is the last days for Elijah. The man's name is Robert, and it was shared that he is living in England. May the painting of success be his, may he make an incredible recovery with his health. May he soar divinely like a blue bird, and heal thoroughly in the Christos energy.

The opening of the seventh seal is mentioned in Revelation chapter 8. Here is a commentary on it. it mentions the incense and also the 'half hour' of silence.

It was in June 2013, that silence became a reality, between myself and another person that is mentioned in the messages received in 2010. Bizarre!

When two hands are put together, a great healing occurs.

In 2012, my two hands were put together, and a miracle was the result, for a lady that was asking for help. So the messages and visions from 2010, were indicating in advance, what would unfold before me. Its always interesting to review, and update. 

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16 

The prayers of the saints do reach me.


  1. I went to bed and I was restless, then I saw a glimpse of the LORD, then he spoke to me. He warned that something was going to happen, and when it does, and I hear about it, I must say nothing about it in response. He said that it will shock the community. He said Zechariah. Although it sounded like Zachariah and it means 'God has remembered'.

  2. Incense for the third time and second time in 2014.
