
Sunday 25 May 2014


This mandala is for IAM, and it has a wonderful clarity with it. The colours that I was compelled to use are turquoise transformation, cornflower blue, royal blue on the outer circle and a touch of pink. 

It feels new, fresh, and it has a certain purity with it.  What I felt with it is a tall order, and unifying of two worlds, as above, so below. Two kingdoms unified in the energy of transformation, and acceptance is very important to this person, self-acceptance is also what he came to teach.  With the turquoise we are very much with the thymus, that connects the heart and throat for upright communication. 

Any fruit with the color of blue in it, would be good for this person to eat and wear. This person has work to do with people that are existing in the 4th dimensional energies. Its a mandala of beauty, coolness, calmness and clarity.  Cool head, warm heart. I see the peacock feathers created by the soft cornflower blue and pink, and this indicates, at this point in time; the energies of the far east are strong with this person. Hence, oriental healing arts would be the most appealing to him in this timeline.

In the feminine energies, peacock feathers are also to do with the goddess of compassion and mercy. In Christian symbology it can represent immortality, resurrection, a glorious soul, Peacock feather is also an emblem of St Barbara, and due to recent events in the USA, this person does have work to do with Aspergers children, and some of them do have a fascination for UFO's.

In Buddhism, it is symbolic of compassion, and the peacock fan like we see in the mandala is an attribute of the avalokitesvara. He has two fans in the mandala, and these will be important to him as his future unfolds.  It indicates the work in two directions, both east and west. I see stability in the mandala, stability like steel in the person themselves. However, ice can also be found there at times and as we know, it is easy to melt that with the solar sun love energy.  This is a person that you could count on to keep their word, if they make a commitment, then they mean to do it, and see it through to its completion.

The surrounding royal blue indicates the healing that is paramount to everything this soul does. He was born to be instrumental in the divine transformation that is taking place in his community.

Although it is hard to see it at times. Humanity seem to be taking one step forward, and two steps back, then suddenly a huge leap forward into a paradigm shift. He is a lot more grounded, than some might think, although he can make people spin like a top, when he comes on to strong. His clarity of purpose, his creative rationale, has to be directed at the right target audience. He has to be where he can create the most impact, where people are open to receive his energies that are very powerful indeed, in a transformational way.

I would say that this man is an asset to America. However, at times, he can be a little too clinical, in a military style.  Hence the power of love is paramount, to bring his work forth to fruition.  I like it, he is likable, although is he lovable enough? This he must work on, a softer approach, in this phase of acceptance, that he is in.

The mandala as a very modern, futuristic feel to it, and his design and presentation, is required to be just as futuristic to appeal to his target audience.

I see lakes, rivers, plant life, traveling and mobility. This person like to move around.

Last but not least, for this guy, the best advice that I can give him, at this point; is that it is about being in the right place, at the right time, and he usually knows when to show up. I wish him the very best, for him, and his family.

Love beyond measure

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