
Tuesday 27 May 2014



26th May 2014 

Original painting, Size A4 

While painting the hearts I really felt the energy of an American known as JF Priest, bless him. The painting has four hearts, and I see hears that ear, and the heart that listens and understands. Ears open, eyes open, and heart open.  

The heart character looks like an elephant with flappy ears, big ears to hear everyone, he's a good listener.  In one of the ears, I see a pink dolphin, oh that was fun wasn't it, when the pink dolphins turned up in the USA, fulfilling a prophecy. I also see people asking him for prayers.

I see pink angelic wings with him, an angel of love, Kamuel. In Jewish lore, Kamuel is the angel of Gethsemane, and Kamuel means 'he who seeks god.' Angel of the garden.

I see two eyes, that can see two suns on the horizon of the clear blue waters. I see an open book, a family of love, a love locket, a family heirloom. A see a love that can fill a room, a house, or a library.  I see a character that children love to love. 

This character knows that the healing has been blessed, it is divine providence.  He appreciates the miracles, and embraces them wholeheartedly. I see a person that truly does follow his heart of goodness and charity. Love beyond measure and compassionate action.  A pure heart that has opened doors for others. This character is a giver, in the true sense of the word, magnanimous love.  He truly is a blessing to anyone that he meets.

Due to the pink fish in the painting, salmon and other pink fish is good for him. I see loads of pink in his garden, and wherever he makes a garden, that is where his heart is.  That is all this character has to do, just be who he is, full of heart, to inspire others to come from their hearts as well.  

This little heart character, with a big heart, would make a lovely character for a children's book on magnanimous love.

The 26th May, is the 'day of protection', and those that know, know that real love is the greatest defender.  When a man is compelled by the power of love, there is nothing that he cannot achieve. 

Love beyond measure

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