
Thursday 8 May 2014


Prayers of the saints reach this overseer of souls. Remember the 'Ham bled on' crop circle? In recent days,  I returned from rest with the physical pain of another soul, to help the soul to transmute it. If you have any illness at all, please stay in the love. Fill your bodies with love, let your hands become golden healing hands, may your bodies glow with the healing love. Let your eyes be filled with light until you can see the golden energy before you. Heal every memory, past, present and future. Fill your room with lights, with the flame of the candle of love, fill it with the fragrance of geranium and lavender aromatherapy oils.

Cover yourself in the pastel blue for healing your body. When you sleep, sleep in a fresh white cotton sheet. Know that the healing angels surround you with their healing wings, as soft as feathers.

Listen to uplifting loving, healing music and meditations. Enfold yourself in the love, and stay in the love. For all the precious gems, let the love pour upon you, and shower you, know that the Lute of Lovingkindness has seen what I have written, he knows the pure intention of my heart for you. He is here with me as I write this, and I can feel the heat of his love as I write.

Eat as much raw food as you can, now it is summer, it is easier to do.  Remember your bodies were  made to process food, not eat processed foods. Love beyond measure. What is on the menu this week? Melon and melon seeds. Fresh salad with a balsamic dressing.

Fill a bottle of water and label it 'perfect health', bless it and heal it prior to drinking it. For it is proven scientifically that water holds memory. That is why the one known as Jesus taught on a boat. He knew that the water would hold the memory of his words, and so it is that when you go to the Galilee, you can feel  him and his energy there. Wherever there is true healing love and an overseer of souls, there he is with the elect that can see beyond many realities and states of being.  

In recent days I wrote about the gem elixirs, and for those that are having hospital treatment, it is a brilliant book that will interest many, on how you can make gem essences yourselves to aid your healing transformation. The book was written by Gurudas. So you can read about healing gemstones, healing flowers, listen to healing voices, look at videos about healing, enfold yourselves and realities in healing love and try to detox as much as possible.

A turquoise light appeared on my left hand as I wrote this, and the left is to do with past lives.  These must be healed gems of America, they must be healed.  

There is also someone that is experiencing serious issues with their left knee, and they know who they are. I recommend Reiki healing for you and deep tissue, therapeutic body massage. 

Those with back issues, make sure that you see a foot specialist.

Overseers of souls transmute, heal and transform what is ordained to be transmuted, healed and transformed in the will of the LORD.  All can be purified, when souls are willing and be open to receive the purity and holiness of his healers.

It requires trustful loyalty, trustful faithfulness, commitment, perseverance and patience of a saint, for healing to manifest, on the levels of consciousness, and in the dimensions of that which I write. Healing is not just about healing one reality, it is about healing multiple realities, healing is inter-dimensional, and multi-dimensional, just like our planet and people are.

Its a brave heart, that is strong enough to take on the pain of others, on a physical level.  It soon shifts once it has been acknowledged, recognized, and worked with, for the benefit of the soul, that is brought to the care of an overseer. Being noble in holiness, is a noble task for the overseers, and the healing family of the Lute of Lovingkindness.

So let the arm that is holy to the LORD and his Son, be seen by the nations. Let it stop their wars against righteousnous and the teacher thereof.

As you can see it is the 8th day again, there is always someone to heal on the 8th day. The numeric of eight is the numeric of transformation, it is also the numeric of the 'Chet' visions that link into the 'Ham bled on' crop circle.

The 8th of May, is the 'Day of Truth' does it remind you of a special mission Israel? Does the 8th of May bring it back to your remembrance America?

Love beyond measure 

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