
Sunday 11 May 2014


The LORD says his Lady shall no longer fight your battles for you, you are being hung out to dry guys. The Lady of his light, his Royal bride, wisdom brought. Insight abound all around her, with the love beyond measure, born to be, with the solutions to all that ails thee. So that man could be free, and be able to see. Did you get the holy grail guys, or are you still searching for it? Did you get to the core of it, how about seeing the light of the fight of your battles, and what you fight against.  Surely, after all these years, you can see what stands before you, and your future.  

In the dictionary on line, 'to hang out to dry' means that they shall no longer receive any support or help from yours truly, on-line to defend the tree of life.  


The guys are like clothes that have been washed, and are now hanging on the line, blowing in the wind of Islam and its co-creation. Did you know that SHR means 'moon'? Did you comprehend the Arab 'ISIS' conspiracy? Hows the winds of Islam  and the celebrity president doing USA? Did you know that they changed the signature of Lotus Feet? What does that say about them, and where they are coming from?

"For if people do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?”  Luke 23:31

Isaiah 56:3 speaks of the dry trees, and after I received the message,  I read about the winner of the Eurovision song contest, Hence, the message from the LORD is timely. 

"I dry up the green tree and make the dry tree flourish. “‘I the Lord have spoken, and I will do it."  Ezekiel 17:24

The lyrics of the song, 'Rise like a phoenix'

Do you remember the Phoenix Rising crop circle and its connection to Iran?

How about the Nikki mandala?

I have to say, a brilliant performance, I like the singing voice! 

Jesus turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children. For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’ Then they will say to the mountains, "fall  on us!"  and to the hills, "Cover us!" Luke 28-30 

Are you happy Hollywood ?

Are you satisfied?

Did you get what you asked  for?

Guys and Dolls


  1. Bill Clinton on his way to Vienna for the LIFE Ball.

  2. If you read this post, then you would be well advised to read the follow-up post.

  3. The poor are so poor, they're now taking my washing off the line. They took my best, and only jumper/jacket.
